So Whatcha Doin' Today?


Super Moderator
Wow! The before and after looks like 2 different boats.

It sure was nasty. At least I got the first layer of crud off. The steering wheel was furry it has so much stuff growing on it. I had to scrub it to get it half decent. I'll hit it a time or two more before I'm done. The first scrubby rag I used turned black. It's going to take two more thorough cleanings before it gets close to the way I want it.

I also just noticed that the before picture had the casting deck extension on it. This boat is a fish & ski. If you're not going to use it for fishing, you can remove the deck extension witch reveals two more seats forward of the consoles that you can see in the "after" picture.

The trailer will also need some attention. It has a few surface rust spots. I'll take a wire grinder wheel to it and spray some color matching Rustoleum on them. I probably have a nicer set of wheels floating around here somewhere that will fit it. Then I'll probably redo all the lights in LED.

I'll be taking it to an outboard specialist next week to get their blessing on the engines condition. But what I've found so far is encouraging. Probably won't get much done to it tomorrow. Suppose to rain all day. I need to send out some bills to my customers. As much as I hate doing paper work, that's exactly what needs to be done when it's too crummy outside to work.
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Yard, from inside looking out.. being lazy


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Full Access Member
Dug post holes and built a new pen. Then, cooked a nice dinner of pork chops, turkey sausage jambalaya, baked beans, and roasted asparagus with parmesan and mozzarella before hitting the weights and getting my workout in.


Full Access Member
Got stuck at the railyard for 3 1/2 hours because of a billing screw up. Making a simple dinner of chicken breast and asparagus before hitting the weights again. Today is squats day.

In other news, I just found out that since they are so pleased with me at work, I am getting a new Peterbuilt. I guess it is saying something that I am the first local driver to get one even though I still pretty new. I am flying up to Kansas City Wednesday morning and driving it back.


Full Access Member
Got stuck at the railyard for 3 1/2 hours because of a billing screw up. Making a simple dinner of chicken breast and asparagus before hitting the weights again. Today is squats day.

In other news, I just found out that since they are so pleased with me at work, I am getting a new Peterbuilt. I guess it is saying something that I am the first local driver to get one even though I still pretty new. I am flying up to Kansas City Wednesday morning and driving it back.

Always a good feeling when your appreciated at work, or anywhere for that matter. Kudos.


Super Moderator
Been getting a little rain. This is just down the road from us. [ame][/ame]


Full Access Member
Sitting and waiting on the next flight since TSA seems to have difficulty differentiating between protein bars and C4.


Super Moderator
Had a full work day, wife and I went out to eat with my parents, came home and moved boats and trailers around to make room for a delivery (finally getting the materials to put a roof over my 24x50 slab). Now I'm cooling down before I go take my second shower this evening. On my '94 Dodge Ram I have a front mounted hitch receiver. It sure makes moving stuff around a lot easier than trying to back stuff up. You just gotta remember the left is right and right is left with the trailer.

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