Just a Brutral workout today


Full Access Member
Just had my 4th exercise event for the week.

It was just brutal.
I paired up with a dude who was in surprisingly rock hard shape who wanted to try my program.
So it got real competitive between us.

So we did these exercises mostly in quick succession with minimal recovery breaks.
You will find its broadly similar to the one posted elsewhere on here but with a little extra "kick" here and there:

2 sets of tight arm pull ups
2 sets of wide arm pulls ups (assisted)
3 sets of squats
3 sets of clean and jerks.
3 sets of bent over rows (heavy)
2 sets of legpress (with 450 lbs of weight...except the machine malfunctioned on me after a full set... the "lock" wouldnt engage and I couldnt leave the machine. We tried and tried to engage the lock for several minutes all the while I had to hold all that weight up w/ my legs after my near-failure set. It was a dangerous situation... in the end all the weigths were taken off so I could crawl out from under it) legs shaking with exhaustion.
1 set of sit-ups
2 sets of hip adductions
2 sets of hip abductions
2 sets of seated military dumdbell press
2 sets of angled dumbbell press
2 sets of flat dumbbell bench press
3 sets of lateral raises
3 sets of frontal raises
2 sets of weapons handling raises ... an exercise developed by myself.. Hard to describe but its basically a variation of frontal raises were u handle weightslike you are bring up a weapon from the patrol ready with both hands holding weights. Buddy yells "Threat" then you execute with a 10lbs weight in each hand turn head-turn body-raise the 2 ten lbers like a Carbine.
2 sets of weighted calf raises (100 lbs held in hand during the raises so bodyweight plus 100lbs) - Feel the burn!!

I was gonna go slow since i just did a broadly similar workout on Thursday and i like to keep these heavy days 3 days apart.... but the Gym isnt open on Sunday so it had to be today and actually we went thru very quickly.
Maybe 75 minutes.

I spent all afternoon lying on the couch watching TV recovering.
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Super Moderator
Incredible! I just tore up a glued down parquet floor yesterday. I recovered in a similar fashion in my easy chair watching a movie.


Full Access Member
I went straight to the recovery part while skipping the other stuff, saved me some serious time. :) :chewie:


Full Access Member
My left elbow is showing signs of developing a tennis elbow condition.
.. mild symptoms only so far..

as a result only did weights once this week.
May skip weight scheduled for tommorrow in lieu of a run not sure..

I love weights and the nice results I get form them but injuring myself is not good..
To counteract the inflammation am dosing myself with Ibuprofen fairly heavy right now.. 800 mg/day

I think I identified the clean and jerks as a likely source of most of the problem with my elbow since I experienced some pain right at the elbow 2nd and 3rd sets last time.
possibly the lateral raises as well.

I may still do weights tomorrow but cut out those 2 exercises and see how that goes.

We'll see.
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Full Access Member

I have been following Jeff on youtube for free, he is very good at what he does. I have been making some good gains, and learning to correct some bad form. JMHO


Full Access Member
Today I did some handgunning.
As most of you will know a modern pistol grip presupposes a very tight hold using no small amount of strength to lock down on the gun to minimize muzzle flip.

I could feel this very tight hold in my elbows and not in a good way.
I think I may focus on cardio until at least mid week and then do a weight lifting skipping those exercises I suspect most at fault.

A complication is in 20 days I am taking a 3 day short range handgunning course that will be very physical and involve wrestling for handguns.
I need to make sure my elbows are AOK by then.
But I am loathe to skip weights for so long..

I welcome comments..
PS: This is the course for which I want to be at 100%, starts Oct 27t


Full Access Member
Today I did some handgunning.
As most of you will know a modern pistol grip presupposes a very tight hold using no small amount of strength to lock down on the gun to minimize muzzle flip.

I could feel this very tight hold in my elbows and not in a good way.
I think I may focus on cardio until at least mid week and then do a weight lifting skipping those exercises I suspect most at fault.

A complication is in 20 days I am taking a 3 day short range handgunning course that will be very physical and involve wrestling for handguns.
I need to make sure my elbows are AOK by then.
But I am loathe to skip weights for so long..

I welcome comments..
PS: This is the course for which I want to be at 100%, starts Oct 27t

Instead of skipping the exercises that you are talking about, cut the weight in half on them, this will cut back on the stress involved at the joints, but still give you a workout. Do this for a few workouts, to see how you feel, but do not add weight on even if you feel you need to. Don't feel like your to macho to cut your weight in half, post back how you feel after a couple workouts, good luck.


Full Access Member

I think i will do something close to your recommendation.

Today on my day off ( yes I am off :) ) I will go run and then use the (pathetic) gym at my apt complex t for a light and machine centered workout.
Wed a run.

Then maybe Thursday go do my regular workout at the more complete Gym at my work...except with lighter weights and cutting these exercises that seem to hurt my elbows the most (clean and jerks, lateral raises and maybe tight arm pull ups)
Then if no problems go Saturday again same workout except a bit lighter and cutting 2 or 3 problem exercises.


Super Moderator
Even if you do go to your course not at 100% you'll be able to test yourself or get pointers on how to defend yourself when not a peak physical condition. As we get older, the farther from peak physical condition we get but still need to be able to defend ourselves.


Full Access Member
Even if you do go to your course not at 100% you'll be able to test yourself or get pointers on how to defend yourself when not a peak physical condition. As we get older, the farther from peak physical condition we get but still need to be able to defend ourselves.

I'm only 70 :emotions33: :chewie:


Super Moderator
I'm only 70 :emotions33: :chewie:

I'm 56 but there are days I want the license plate of the bus that ran me over. Everything is alright until I go to get out of my recliner then my body screams at me. I think I've got six more years of this physical work then I hope I can retire. My financial advisor says it's doable if I don't mind Beanie Weenies and Raman noodles for the rest of my life.


Full Access Member
I'm 56 but there are days I want the license plate of the bus that ran me over. Everything is alright until I go to get out of my recliner then my body screams at me. I think I've got six more years of this physical work then I hope I can retire. My financial advisor says it's doable if I don't mind Beanie Weenies and Raman noodles for the rest of my life.

Sometimes it is worth it, i did steel stud framing and drywall for 40+ yrs. i have been collecting SS from age 62. My wrists hurt,elbos,knees, ankles, neck, well you know the drill. I'm lucky the wife still works.

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