So Whatcha Doin' Today?


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Fixing to go pick up some wild piglets. They are running around on an acquaintance's property who doesn't have the heart to put them down. Later, I will be having some fresh pork.

Wife: Where are you going to shoot them? (She meant location because she doesn't want to hear the shots)

Me: in the head


Super Moderator
Fixing to go pick up some wild piglets. They are running around on an acquaintance's property who doesn't have the heart to put them down. Later, I will be having some fresh pork.

Wife: Where are you going to shoot them? (She meant location because she doesn't want to hear the shots)

Me: in the head

You can take them with a strong enough air rifle. Then she won't hear the report if you're in the next yard. Just behind the ear.


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They are in a cage right now and I do have a Gamo that has plenty of punch for head shots. It blows right through plywood at 30 yards with standard pellets and I use heavyweights in it. I also have some 22 CB's that are pretty quiet. I will probably use one or the other when I butcher them tomorrow.
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Took the scissors lift over to a job that it'll be needed on next week. This is a really big job with solid wood doors that I've hired the door builder to install. These monsters are going to be HEAVY. They're sending four guys to do six doors. It'll take them two or more days. I'm so glad I'm not doing these.

After that I came home and installed a rod & reel holder in the garage. My collection has been growing and I needed to put them someplace safe. I've got two more coming. Both of them different versions of the Ugly Stik. Just don't tell my wife.


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Ended up using the CB's and, believe it or not, they are even quieter than the Gamo. The wife didn't even know I was butchering them until I was already done. Also, they were delicious and insanely tender.


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The coastal trips we've been on have gotten me interested in fishing. Or more realistically, buying fishing stuff. Here are some recent acquisitions. Even though this equipment isn't widely recognized, It's some really nice stuff. The reels are silky smooth and the rods have great reviews as well. So even if I suck at fishing, I can still look good doing it. Now I need a boat so I can go fish the local lakes.
Ugly Stik with a Piscifun Honor 3000 reel.

Piscifun Graphite travel rod with a Kastking Sharky II 4000 reel.

Another Piscifun Casting rod with a U.S. Reel Baitcaster.
This thing is evil. It gives you 2 or 3 nice casts then rat nests the spool of line.
I need a lot more practice with it.


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Saltwater fishing :cool::fishing1:

< jealous

In and around Kiawah are a bunch of salt water lagoons. They're full of Red Drum, Black Drum, Croaker, Sea Trout, Flounder and the occasional Alligator. But the DNR guys have been removing any troublesome gators.

To date, I've caught a croaker, a sea trout and one small red drum. I think 15"-16" is my largest so far. But given the chance, I'm going for something twice that size or bigger.


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Here's one of the six doors being installed on a barn project. Except the only animal this barn will see is his dog. On the other end is an RV garage with opposing 12x14 doors. In the middle area are three 10x10's and on this end is this 12x12. These doors are solid wood with a knotty cedar plank front. They are massively heavy. They still need to be stained and the decorative hardware installed. Big, big job that we are proud to be part of.

Inside of the barn/garage. Tomorrow we start installing the openers. That's more cedar on the ceiling and wall to the right.

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Was back over at the big job today. The guys know how to install a door but didn't know much about the commercial openers they had to do. I walked them through installing one. They paid attention and took pictures. They were profusely appreciative. I saved them a lot of time and anxiety. Trying to figure out some of this stuff on your own is time consuming. There are a lot of little things that have to be done. It takes long enough to install an opener when you know what you're doing. They would have been reading the instructions and trying to figure things out as they went. I showed them some tricks to the trade.

So tomorrow is day number four on this job. I just did a job that had five doors on it. I did that job solo. Just me, myself and I and got it done in three days. The job I did had a 12x12 with an opener and four 10x10's all with high lift. This job has a 12x12, three 10x10's and two 12x14's and every door gets an opener. But there have been four to five guys working on this job too. The major difference is the weight of the doors. The door sections we are currently working with are solid wood and very heavy. The previous job was all insulated doors but could be handled by one person.

I guess I'd rather have them be slow and careful than fast and sloppy. So far there have only been a couple things I've needed to bring to their attention to fine tune. I'll be back out there tomorrow making sure everything is working smoothly.


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I have spent so much time working out of town that my poor bike has been neglected. I just replaced the fuel pump and added some fresh gas. Now, I am going to pick up a new battery. I took her for a quick spin around the block to make sure all was good and she happily destroyed the back tire lifted the front into the air. Oh, I have missed that.


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Here shortly, we will take these for a spin.

Color me jealous again. I think those are so cool. I've wanted one for some time. Problem is they're too small for me. My knees are so severely bent I can hardly move my feet. I wish they came in "Big & Tall" versions.


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I was out working on the trailer again. The other day coming home from delivering the scissors lift to a job, we went over a bridge that popped one of the back sides out of it's stake pockets. It swung out but was still connected to the tailgate. Finally everything came apart and it slid down the road behind us. I saw all this happening in the rear view mirror so I was already off the road before it finished sliding. Also thank God there was no traffic behind us.

Had no idea that stuff could bounce off the trailer so easily. But that's been remedied. Those suckers are bolted down now. I had to rebuild some of the tailgate since some of the 3.5" screws had either come out or the wood around them split. I've got some six inchers in there now. Plus I installed some barrel bolts on the outside to keep it from jumping out of the stake corner brackets. I'm confident nothing is coming off the trailer ever again.

Shortly, my wife's brother and his wife are taking us out for dinner in celebration of our 27th anniversary. Happened back on St. Patricks Day. Fitting since I have some Irish blood in me. My mother's maiden name is Haggerty. Top of the mornin' to ya.


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Congratulations! Today is the wife and I's 11th.

Yeah, trailers can bounce like crazy because there just isn't much suspension travel. I have hauled them countless miles, many down oilfield lease roads, and everything better be really secure. Speaking of which, I need to put a new floor on my trailer. It is overdue.


Full Access Member
Color me jealous again. I think those are so cool. I've wanted one for some time. Problem is they're too small for me. My knees are so severely bent I can hardly move my feet. I wish they came in "Big & Tall" versions.

They are fun and there are actually kits to move the pegs on many bikes. My bike is an '03 CBR 1100. The wife has the newer Spyder RS-S. She likes riding but not being on 2 wheels. I love being on 2 wheels. It doesn't get much better than a twisty backroad and leaning through curves. Also, while the Spyder is quick enough to embarrass most sports cars at normal speeds, a sportbike is a whole different world. Mine is 14 years old but still runs like a champ until the governor cuts off the fun at 189 mph. I would have a hard time riding anything else.

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