So Whatcha Doin' Today?


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Looks like it can be treated through diet and some scientist even think it could be reversed if caught early enough. But being caused by strokes may have a different outcome or treatment.

My MIL had a few mini strokes. If she was still functional during one of her episodes she got belligerent. Wouldn't do anything my wife asked of her. But she would if I intervened. One day my wife was out driving her around. She started acting strange and kept trying to open the car door while it was still going down the road. My wife finally had to pull off the side of the road and stop. When she tried to close the door my MIL would put her foot against it or immediately open it back up.

My wife called me (I was finishing up a job) and I came to where they were. I asked the MIL what was up. She had made up some kind of story in her head and wasn't making a lot of sense. I asked her if we could go back to the house and talk about it. She said OK. Didn't have anymore problems on the drive home.

For some reason I was always able to get her to cooperate when my wife couldn't. And even when she was having a bad day and wasn't recognizing anybody she'd know who I was. I guess I was cataloged in a part of her brain that wasn't affected.

One of the times I had to assist her off the commode was during a stroke. She went limp and unresponsive. My wife called me and I went in to asses the situation. It was obvious by the way the side of her face was drooping. We called 911 and they saw the same thing and transported her to the hospital. By the time they got her there she had rebounded. Was coherent and her face had stopped drooping. Like I said, she really took us on a roller coaster ride.


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Another Weekend Project

I know y'all have been on pins and needles just waiting for the next edition of Weekend Project. So without further ado.......

I've got a big job coming up and I wanted to outfit the trailer with some sides. So now I can park my scissors lift in the middle and pile other items around it knowing they won't be missing when I get to my destination. Still need to work on the tailgate but I'm pretty happy with the way the rest of it has turned out.



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I am hoping she is able to improve. She has good days and bad ones. It is going to be awfully tough on my wife if she keeps going downhill.

Nice work on the trailer.


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I am hoping she is able to improve. She has good days and bad ones. It is going to be awfully tough on my wife if she keeps going downhill.

Nice work on the trailer.

Thanks on the trailer.

I hope for you that she is able to improve and maintain the improvement too. It got tough for us when my MIL would improve and then go down hill again. Over and over again. I think that is rougher on the loved ones than if she had just passed. You don't want her passing to be a long drawn out ordeal for all parties involved. Especially her. Believe me, I'm not trying to be cold or callus. But tending 24/7/365 to a declining family member is no party for anyone. Again, especially the one declining.

At one point the doctor named off a few things they could do for her. Sometimes the cure is worse than the affliction. In our case her mother was almost 94 years old. She was content and comfortable. To do these procedures meant loading her up in an ambulance to transport her to the hospital for treatment that may or may not work, all the while making my wife's mother miserable.

At 94, how much more time could the procedure really give her anyway? My question to the doctor was, "If we do this procedure, will she eventually be able to get out of bed and function normally or improve her quality of life at all"? He looked at me as if I had two heads. He said "No, of course not". I said "Well then, there's your answer". At this point in time all we are trying to do is keep her comfortable (which she was). There was no improving her situation. That was my two cents. It was ultimately up to my wife and her brother. He basically asked the same question I did and came to the same conclusion.

Good luck with your MIL. I hope she's turning cartwheels real soon.


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The tailgate hardware came in today. So I was able to put that together when I got home from work. It was getting dark when I took these pics so I had to lighten them a little. I'm pretty happy with the way it's turned out.



Full Access Member
Thank you. I hope so too. At this point, even a small improvement or consistent "good" days would be great.


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I finally got to use the new trailer. Worked perfectly. Loaded up the scissors lift on it and the piled all the stuff I would need for todays job. All the track, hardware, springs etc. fit in it with room to spare. And it towed very well too. Forgot to get pics of it though.

Got to the job late due to it not being delivered until mid morning. But still got the 12x12 and it's opener installed. Now just four more 10x10's to go.


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Had an interesting day today. Got offered a job right down the road from the house. It will be a pay cut but it pays decent and is Monday through Friday with weekends off and will have me home every night. When I talked to my current employer, actually the owner of the company, he was very understanding and his concern was making sure this was a positive move and that there wasn't anything I was upset about causing me to leave. He also told me that me if things changed, he would still be there and have a spot for me. As much as I am truly looking forward to being home every night with my beautiful wife and being able to be there for her under the current circumstances, it is kind of tough leaving when I know the owner gives a damn, has treated me with respect, and is someone I have legitimate respect for.


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This is the door I did yesterday. 12x12 with jackshaft opener.

This is one of two doors I did today. This one has four feet of high lift the other one has 6 feet of high lift. No openers on these. My scissors lift sure helps doing the high work.



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Oppo, Good luck with making that work decision. Sounds like a family pow wow is in your future. Post a pic of the baby goat. They have such great personalities.


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Are those the ones that lock up and fall over when they're scared? I'd have to name that one Pepé as in Pepé Le Pew the skunk in the cartoons due to it's markings.


Full Access Member
Haha, no. These are pygmies. You are thinking of myotonic goats, aka fainting goats. Supposedly, this one is female but I will have to check this weekend when I get home. It is a surprisingly easy mistake to make as it takes a few days for the sack to drop.


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Oh wells.....I've exhausted my goat knowledge with those last questions.

I was on a job site one summer day. The house was all fenced in and animals were frolicking and playing all over the place. This young little goat came into the garage and introduced herself. She came right over and stood up on her back legs and leaned against you wanting attention. I pet her for awhile and then went back to work.

Everything was fine until I got the whole door stacked in. As soon as I closed the opening, she went berserk. She was on the outside baying and running back and forth trying to figure out how to get in. I opened the side walk through door and she cam darting in to check everything out. I continued working and she went back outside. Awhile later the wind closed the walk through door and she went ballistic again. She did not like being separated from us. It would have taken very little convincing for me to bring her home and adopt her. She had an amazing personality.


Full Access Member
Oh yes, they have lots of personality. This is from last year and some of the babies were playing king of the hill on the llama.



Full Access Member
Oh yes. His job to guard the goats and he is amazing with them, especially the babies. When it gets dark, he will round up the babies and head them over to the goat house and gets all excited when there is a new baby.


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I finished up my five door job today. Meant to get pics of the final results but was so busy loading up everything (and man was I tired) that I forgot to get any again. Everything turned out real nice. I'm happy with it and the customer stopped by and ran a couple doors up and down and he's happy too. That's what matters.

I think I messed up the transmission in my work truck on the way home. I looked in my rear view mirror and saw a smokey fog behind me. But the truck was still acting and shifting normally so I kept going. Wasn't that far from the house when it happened and I wanted to get my stuff home. When I got here I looked under the truck and saw fluid coming from the torque converter area. I'm really hoping I just blew a seal or something easy and CHEAP.

I really don't need this. We've promised customers their doors and we're going on vacation middle of next week too. Need to get stuff done. I was babying the truck home too. My mechanic will drop the transmission Monday and let me know the impact on my wallet. This is certainly going to take a bite out of the profit on this job. I've told my mechanic that if the trans needs redoing, then bullet proof it.

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