So Whatcha Doin' Today?


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Went and picked up the work truck today. $4000+ later it's home. Yes the transmission had to be replaced. Along with the trans cooler and all associated lines. Also the down pipes were leaking and were replaced. Rear main seal replaced. Oil and filter (it was past time). And a state inspection.

I commented to my wife how the job I was towing the scissors lift home from was a loss due to blowing the transmission and it costing more than we made on the job. She softly scolded me and accused me of being negative. Sorry dear but if you do the math after paying for the trans, is there any money left over? No, then I'm a realist. Not negative. Oh well's, you win some, you lose some.

On the positive side, It's a killer transmission. Suppose to be bullet proof. I was told it was built for towing and hauling so go for it. Comes with a three year 100K miles warranty. Sounds like a challenge to me. Lol. No, I won't be drag racing while hauling the trailer and scissors lift.


Full Access Member
Ouch! Condolences for your wallet but glad to hear that you are back on the road.


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Currently sitting at the airport waiting for a ride home because my flight to from Dallas to Omaha got cancelled.

At least there is coffee.


Super Moderator
Currently sitting at the airport waiting for a ride home because my flight to from Dallas to Omaha got cancelled.

At least there is coffee.

Have the airline put you up in a nice hotel and then get first class on the next flight out. I've done it.


Full Access Member
Have the airline put you up in a nice hotel and then get first class on the next flight out. I've done it.

This is a good idea but I just got a ride home and crawled into my own bed. It has a better breakfast, tres leches cake, and a good looking woman.


Super Moderator
Went and installed two doors and openers today. I don't think it got above freezing. Fortunately there were other crews on the job site and they had a torpedo heater set up in the garage. Once I got the doors in it heated up fast. Had to come out of my sweat shirt. Wore me out. I'm getting too old for this crap.

Been doing some online shopping accruing fishing gear for the next time we go to Kiawah Island, SC. All my old gear was fairly inexpensive....OK cheap. And back when I bought it, it wasn't as sophisticated as todays rods and reels. I ordered a spinning reel that has 10+1 bearings in it. Holy cow is this thing smooth. It's also salt water rated. Something that all my gear will be able to handle from now on. They are more resistant to corrosion from salt etc. I still rinse everything but it's not a crucial to do it immediately.

Now the stuff I'm getting still isn't high calibre stuff. The equipment I'm getting is still considered low rent. The rods and reels I've been buying are in the $40 price range. You can spend a whole lot more on that gear. The guy I fish with spends around $100 on his reel and more than that on his rods. I think he splurged one time and paid $500 for a reel. And you can go a lot higher than that. I've seen reels for $1K. I can't justify that. I'd have to be a professional fisherman.

I did buy a Shakespeare Ugly Stick this afternoon. Who remembers those? They've been around for many years. I also picked up some other lures I think may get me a bigger fish next time. Redfish love shrimp. So I got a couple bags of artificial shrimp coming and have watched a few video's on how to rig them. I see a 40"+ redfish in my future. Which will drive him nuts. I think his biggest to date is 37". Which is three times what my biggest fish was last visit. Is it bad form to show up your host? Well, the fish ain't in the boat yet. But I'm developing a strategy. Have to wait and see if it'll work.

This is a picture of a tree near Kiawah they call Angel Oak. It's huge. It's interesting the way the limbs come down and touch the ground and then elevate again. You have to take a panoramic photo in order to get it all in the picture.
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Super Moderator
Got another job coming up that I'll have to take the scissors lift to. Hope I don't blow a transmission this time. Been trying to figure a way to hook the winch to the lift to help it onto the trailer. Came up with this. Found a 4K lb. swivel loop and the hitch mount on ebay. I already had the triple ball hitch. So now I can hook the winch to the swivel loop and I can use the scissors lift to move the trailer around in any tight spaces. MacGyver's got nothing on me. Except he could do it with a paper clip and some electrical tape.



Full Access Member
Just finished my last day in Omaha. I drive back home to Texas tomorrow. Now, I am walking downtown to get some dinner. Not a bad way to get about 6 miles in. At least this time it is above freezing.

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