So what Gun Related stuff did you buy this week?


Active member
I haven't fired any of my weapons in so long I am starting to wonder if I have forgotten how by now. Just been to damned busy as of late . . . . But in 7 or 8 more weeks I am going to make up for lost time. Once I get out of school and have degree in hand things will be a little less hectic in my life I hope. I want to go fire off a few rounds with my shotgun :)

The War Wagon

Full Access Member
I haven't fired any of my weapons in so long I am starting to wonder if I have forgotten how by now. Just been to damned busy as of late . . . . But in 7 or 8 more weeks I am going to make up for lost time. Once I get out of school and have degree in hand things will be a little less hectic in my life I hope. I want to go fire off a few rounds with my shotgun :)

I'm so busy working on my truck these days, I haven't had the opportunity to focus on shooting of late.

I was at my local Dunham's yesterday - hadn't been in a while - I actually needed a new tent, as I'm camping in 3 weeks. They've started carry handguns since the last time I was there (over a year ago). Their three ammo aisles (previously) have now been condensed to one - with limits on bricks of .22's (4 per customer).

Makes me think, with Hitlery's pending nomination, another ammo run is starting... :uhoh2:


Full Access Member
Well, i wasn't planning on buying anything else right now but I got a text from my brother. Now, I have shot the rifle as much as he has and am very familiar with it. It is a Remington 700 that was a present from our grandparents years ago. It is just a synthetic stock ADL but it easily shoots 1/2 moa without working up a pet load for it.

Him: "I am thinking of selling my270. Do you want it?"

Me: "What did you have in mind?"

Him: "$200"

Me: "Done deal :waytogo: On my way."

Concealed 27

Full Access Member
Picked up ansunVP hoographic sight it was on sale at $45 and it serves the purpuse i need it for nothing fancy just close quaters combat.


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Super Moderator
Picked up ansunVP hoographic sight it was on sale at $45 and it serves the purpuse i need it for nothing fancy just close quaters combat.

Let us know how you like it. The reviews are all over the place. Looks like a decent sight for the money.


Full Access Member
Eotec sights have been in the spotlight . Old eyes have trouble with them I am told by some old LEO's I know. I am at the trifocals point and find real bright night sights help even in the day time.

Rusty Shackleford

Full Access Member
I bought this


And this.


I had to order the threaded barrel, once it comes in I can try it out at the range while I wait for my pending Form 4 to clear.


Full Access Member
Very nice. I love the way an M&P feels in the hand and I am jealous of the supressor.


Full Access Member
I just ordered a NIB trigger that PSA has on sale for $29. Supposedly, they are nicer than the ALG and break at 4.5 lbs. At that price, I figure it is worth a try. I already have Geisseles in my 6x45 and my 6.8 that I will eventually finish and figured the 5.56 needs a little love.

I also ordered one of these and a flash supressor for the barrel I still haven't ordered yet.


Active member
I am building an AR-15 platform using the M-16A4 as the model its based on . . . I think it will be fun. I even have some of the attachments planned out that I want to have. It will take a bit of funds . . . but I have worked out a budget plan that should cover it.


Full Access Member
That is one of the nice things about AR's. You can buy them a piece at a time and not be out a huge chunk all at once.


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I just talked to my guy that is helping put the AR together. . . I have the full funds in hand and we are moving forward to get it built, so sometime this month or beginning of next I will have my new AR-15 5.56. YAY!!


Full Access Member
Well, as much as I dislike small guns, I finally bought me a little pocket pistol that I can throw in the pocket of a pair of gym shorts. I picked up a PT 738 for $199. The reviews I have seen are good and it feels better in my hand than an LCP and it was only $199. I still feel better with a full size but a .380 beats empty hands.

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