So what Gun Related stuff did you buy this week?


Super Moderator
Right now, just a single stage RCBS but after I get some more gift cards for Christmas, I am gonna get a Hornady lock n load progressive. I have been eyeing it for a while.

Midway USA has your press on sale for $999. A $200 savings. It comes with the case and bullet collators. Sale ends Dec. 31. I was looking at it also. But I haven't been out in the reloading shed enough to justify it.

Hornady Lock-N-Load AP Progressive Press Ammo Plant 110 Volt

Rusty Shackleford

Full Access Member
I guess it was last week but I finally got my self a real Steyr AUG, in this case an A3 M1 with 1.5X donut of death Steyr optic.

Stock picture.



New member
Just got the call from my local gunsmith that my ne Sig Sauer P938 is in? Get to pick up tomorrow!

This is my new conceal while at work. Ankle carry.

I have a Sig P227 SAS Gen 2 for casual carry (waist). To big for carry during work in dress clothes without suit jacket...

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Full Access Member
I guess it was last week but I finally got my self a real Steyr AUG, in this case an A3 M1 with 1.5X donut of death Steyr optic.

Stock picture.


I'm considering trading my M1A for a Steyr as I've always wanted one. Just had my hands on one today as a matter of fact.


Full Access Member
Picked up an old Stevens double barrel for $100. It just needs a trigger guard and front bead. Right now, it has synthetic stocks so I am gonna cut up some of that walnut and try my hand at stock making.
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Super Moderator
I got a flu shot.

Which is something I refuse to get. Not injecting me with who knows what. Haven't had one in years and haven't gotten the flu either. I've known people who get the shot and still get the flu.

Oh, I also bought 80 rounds of .308. Almost forgot.
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Full Access Member
Is the Steyr 308? I would keep the caliber in my safe. Or at least a conversion insert from 06 to 308.


New member
When since we are close to the end of the year. I spent the weekend inventorying my current firearms and starting my list of Firearms I want to purchase in 2015.

So far the list looks like this:
Ruger LCR 3" 38 Special +P
Kel-Tec KSG 12 Ga, 18" Barrel
Barrett M107A1 .50 BMG
TTC Tokarev 7.62x25mm
SKS 7.62x39mm
Yugoslavian Mauser

I still have 2 firearms on my list for 2014 that I am hoping will be in before the end of the year.

.460 S&W Magnum 5"


Super Moderator
When since we are close to the end of the year. I spent the weekend inventorying my current firearms and starting my list of Firearms I want to purchase in 2015.

So far the list looks like this:
Ruger LCR 3" 38 Special +P
Kel-Tec KSG 12 Ga, 18" Barrel
Barrett M107A1 .50 BMG
TTC Tokarev 7.62x25mm
SKS 7.62x39mm
Yugoslavian Mauser

I still have 2 firearms on my list for 2014 that I am hoping will be in before the end of the year.

.460 S&W Magnum 5"

My wish list is fairly short. All I have on the radar is a Para Ordnance 12-45 Stainless Limited and a Ruger PC9 Carbine. The Para because I want a high capacity 1911 style gun and the Ruger to compliment my Ruger P85 pistol (they share the same magazines).

I have been organizing my ammo stash. My wife says we need another safe. She'll get no argument from me. I just need to buy one before she changes her mind.

Concealed 27

Full Access Member
Picked up some 25 automatic full metal jackets for my friend hard to find around me but ran to it at Wal-Mart and price was $20 bucks. Nothing for me though I'm waiting till after Christmas to buy self a present. Gonna pick up a scope for my AR556, probably a Nikon I found some good ones at Amazon an optic planet.... just gotta get thru Christmas first...
Concealed 27


Full Access Member
I got me a rifle ( like in my post in the Ar15 forum)
and am also getting a UW Gear Chest Rig :)

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