So What Did You Do Today?


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I installed a new rear view mirror in my '94 Dodge Ram. I've been wanting an upgrade so I got a mirror off of Ebay that has the Homelink garage door buttons built in. A little wire splicing later and it's in and functioning. I love adding newer technology to an older vehicle.

My wife had me working on a Christmas project for her. She wanted a "JOY" sign for the front yard. So I made her this and installed it today. She's thrilled. Major brownie points.


Full Access Member
Welded up the frame for what will be my new reloading bench. Top is 32" x 90" x 1/2" steel plate. lol. Built two identical benches so if need be I can put them together for a 64 x 90 work surface.


Full Access Member
Finished Christmas shopping. Just got an email that my 30cal ammo and 30 round mags should be here Christmas Eve! Yeah my fat arse!

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Full Access Member
Drove this po girl around, during Her lunch break from walmart, so She could finish Her Christmas shoppingk, getum postage stamps and drove Her back to work. I told Her thank you, I needed to git out into duh cold and play in four weeel drive anyhows.

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