just wonderning

Concealed 27

Full Access Member
Hey everybody I have been having a bad time lately and just wondered what you guys do when things get rough. I'm financially strapped and losing my mind literally. Just always helps when you hear what others do. No one said life is easy , also said it's gotta get worse before it gets better....try it never seems to happen. Anyways any advice from my fellow gun lovers would be great. I appreciate the wisdom on o u r forum......thanks,Concealed 27


Full Access Member
Laugh when you can
Cry when you must
Pray to whoever will listen.
Never be too proud to ask for help.

I know how you feel, I've been there...in fact most have. There are times in life when every time you turn around someone or something is kicking you in the plums.

Take stock in what you have, not what you don't.

I know a lot of advise you get sounds like clichés; but there is a reason for that. As trite as it seems, it's good advice.

Life isn't always a box of cookies, but then it's not always a bowl of shit either.

Hang in there, bud. Don't ever give up and don't let the bastards keep you down

Concealed 27

Full Access Member
Thanks guys, I appreciate it...good things to hear. I will get thru all this just hit me all at once. God Bless,

Sgt. Rock

Full Access Member
I look for humor in this world..for it seems there isn't enough of it. Or sometimes I just put on some good music to escape the reality of what gets me down. Years back I picked up this cd of Mozart...I can really say I am an expert on classical music but this one I really enjoy.


Full Access Member
More great advise above.

Just tackle one problem at a time. Afterall, you can't eat an elephant in one sitting at the table.

My dad was a veteran of the Korean War, and when things weren't going well he was fond of saying, "Hell, at least no one is shooting at us."

Concealed 27

Full Access Member
Well I started to look for another place, lease is up in May. I like the place I'm at just not big enough. I am gonna try and find a 2 bedroom apt. Or condo..... I just did this seems like a year goes by quick. Getting tough due to income I may end up staying here cause I know I can pay the bills. We will see but I made a list of priorities and a roof over my head is #1. Thanks for all the kind words.....Concealed 27


Full Access Member
When my wife and I found ourselves in a financial bind 6 years ago a friend offered some advice. He introduced us to the program, Financial Peace. We read the book and went to the classes. It changed us and our life. It's common sense stuff but works when applied.


New member
Remember to eat healthy. You are what you eat. Been going through a rut myself the last couple of years and dealing with food allergies, seasonal depression, yada, yada, yada. Found that eating more fruits. veggies and vitamin supplements and less prepackaged food has helped tremendously.
There are lots of activities that are free or low cost. At least get outside and go for a walk....it does a load of good!

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