Zero Tolerance Out of Control


Full Access Member
Those air soft guns are bad ass. Heard the kid in an interview and he was very polite. Lawyer up.


Super Moderator

Two seventh grade Virginia Beach students have learned their fates Tuesday morning after they were suspended for shooting airsoft gun.

During a hearing Tuesday morning, Aidan Clark and Khalid Caraballo were given long-term suspensions in a unanimous vote. The suspensions will last until June, but a hearing will be held in January to determine if they will be allowed back in school.

Their parents told WAVY News’ Andy Fox their children were expelled, but when Fox looked at the official letter from the school, he found they were long-term suspensions and not expulsions. Their parents still feel as though they were expelled.


Super Moderator
A unanimous vote??? For kids playing in their own yard??? Has the school system lost all common sense? Nobody voting had a problem with this overreaching of authority? My God what is this world coming to? I'd yank my kids out of government indoctrination so fast and home school them with my own curriculum. First period would be target practice. Second period would be gun cleaning & reloading.
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Full Access Member
Completely out of control! Expelled/suspended for playing with a toy that is legally sold in a store. Time to regain control of the schools and get them back on track. I'm sick and tired of the brain washing that goes on in there.

Concealed 27

Full Access Member
This is unreal, the establishment we call government is so messed up. If a parent buys their child an airsoft gun so they can have fun. now I don't like the fact that they were shooting at each other but that's the parents fault for not getting them the little targets and stuff they sell right next to the guns at Walmart. But how did the school get involved????? I'm guessing one of the kids they shot at got hurt or said something to mom and they called the school. Just my guess but that's the only way the school could have gotten involved in my opinion... but it is stupid that they were suspended PERIOD......would they gotten suspended if they threw a baseball at them?????????outta control for sure...
Concealed 27
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Super Moderator
It didn't happen on school property or on a school bus so they have no jurisdiction to level any suspension/expulsion on anyone. They have overstepped their boundaries. Get use to it or fight it folks, government is going to continue to be more invasive into everything.


Full Access Member
Looks like they are going to be home schooled!!!!!!!! All the public school system is a baby sitting service. It was started to keep the kids off the streets.The failure rate is over 50%, and it is an exchange of values instead of learning environment.

Concealed 27

Full Access Member
Yeap and its not even a good babysitting place...... there is as much going on in high schools as on the streets....guns, drugs, violence......


Active member
This is what is happening now... the UN gun treaty has been signed as well.... What is to com next is down right terrifying. This is so far removed from the country I served in the military that I was no part of this "Enlightened Government"


Super Moderator
This is what is happening now... the UN gun treaty has been signed as well.... What is to come next is down right terrifying. This is so far removed from the country I served in the military that I was no part of this "Enlightened Government"

The treaty still needs to be ratified by congress which I don't think will happen. Will BHO EO around congress? I think he'll try anything he can get away with. Thing is, (as I understand it) once the treaty is signed, even though it's not ratified, it will sit there waiting for a congress that will ratify it. It doesn't go away or die after some time period. It's a ticking time bomb that could be ratified anytime in the darkness of night once the attention is off of it.


Full Access Member
I am at loss. I am not sure the English language possesses the words to express how ridiculous this is. They definitely need to lawyer up.


New member
Not surprised considering this is the same school district that submitted to the blacks cries about a textbook that 1 or 2 sentences about black slave owners. The first year the district used stickers to cover the text. They next year they bought new revised textbooks.


Full Access Member
Now its the black who has all of us enslaved. Public school is only there to change your kids minds and turn them away from their parents to the state. Federal government is the new god,it will help all people and feed them cloth ,house them give them health and sex. Were screwed!!!!!!!

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