Tired of being fat


Active member
I look like that in peoples nightmares probably . . . . Nah I probably look like the blob rolling after them and consuming them to increase my own mass :D It would be nice to see me muscles again, but I find it very hard to work out when, after this weekend and the 4 days of pure pain, I cannot move due to aches from my bad knees. This weekend has been really brutal.


Full Access Member
On a related note, I have recently discovered that it is possible for the human body to sweat ammonia.


Super Moderator
On a related note, I have recently discovered that it is possible for the human body to sweat ammonia.

That is absolutely true. My father use to go out jogging. He wreaked of ammonia when he got back. When I'm out working I sweat like someone has hosed me down but I don't have an odor. I guess I sweat mostly water.


Full Access Member
It comes from the breakdown of amino acids being used for energy. Low fat and low carbs combined with exercise is the cause. It tripped me when I realized that ammonia smell was coming from me. I had never had that happen before but just a little bit of extra carbs and fat took care of it.


Full Access Member
Excellent story. very inspiring.

And very similar to mine...
2 years ago I had gotten myself back in good shape.
but then an injury laid me up for 6 weeks.

when I got back into it I had gained enough weight plantar fascitis came in.

long story short I am just now getting into semi decent shape again.
Still at 240 lbs though....

the 3 legs the chair of combat power sits on are
a) weapons handling, and shooting ability
b) tactical sense
c) Physical fitness.

We cannot be effective if one of those 3 is non existent.

I hope your story inspires more of us.

: )
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Active member
I am still sitting at 220 at last count, but to be honest I am not doing much to change that at the moment. Still trying to figure out what I can actually do without causing massive pain in my knees and hips. However, I have removed a vice, Alcohol is now off the menu.


Super Moderator
Having osteoarthritis Dr. has me on Meloxican and weight gain is problem . Gym 3 times a week light weights and rowing . Knees will not allow running and wear brace to help with pain. Just looking foe something that works. Getting old sucks and being in pain is depressing. Eat well low fat and carbs. Good luck guys . 6" 260 and built like a brick shit house , just a big one.

You think Meloxicam is bad. I want to quit taking my Gabapentin (Neuronton) It's a diabetic nerve pain medication. I don't think I'm diabetic, but for all the nerve damage I have and nuero atraphy or whatever the hell he calls it.... I started gaining even more weight. I found out, Gabapentin causes weight gain. Gaining weight it NOT any good for ailments so I think I'm better off to quit taking it. It doesn't seem to be helping that much anyway. Only thing that seems to help pain is the good shit. Opiates !!! But Dr's are legally getting their hands tied with it, so they're trying other alternatives that don't seem to work.


Super Moderator
You think Meloxicam is bad. I want to quit taking my Gabapentin (Neuronton) It's a diabetic nerve pain medication. I don't think I'm diabetic, but for all the nerve damage I have and nuero atraphy or whatever the hell he calls it.... I started gaining even more weight. I found out, Gabapentin causes weight gain. Gaining weight it NOT any good for ailments so I think I'm better off to quit taking it. It doesn't seem to be helping that much anyway. Only thing that seems to help pain is the good shit. Opiates !!! But Dr's are legally getting their hands tied with it, so they're trying other alternatives that don't seem to work.

What kind of neuropathy are you having. I get it sometimes in my legs and feet. As you mentioned, often it is associated with diabetes which I'm sure I don't have. Although it has caused me to get one of those monitors to keep track of my blood sugar. Mine stems from my lower back.

It started back when my mother in law was living with us. She was in her final stages of life and she took us on a roller coaster by getting worse and making us think she wouldn't make it through the weekend and then coming back and feeling fine. It caused stress with me which I carry in my lower back. Muscles were all knotted up.

She's been gone since April and my back is doing better and along with that my legs and feet aren't experiencing the neuropathy they once were. But they didn't get that way overnight so I don't expect they'll recover overnight either. I go to the chiropractor on occasion but I don't really know if it's helping. It's a slow process. It takes time for the damaged nerves to heal.


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I have severe disk degenerative disease. Had my first back surgery at age 30. And it's at all levels in my back. Lumbar and the way up to Cervical in my neck. In short they want to shove Harrington titanium rods up my ass all the way to my brain stem and weld them to screws in my vertebrae. I've not allowed it. So my nueropathy affects all my limbs including feet and hands. Thanks to Obamacare I haven't had medical coverage since the Healthcare Act did away with my policy saying it didn't meet Obamacare criteria. I can't afford $670 a month for med insurance so I've not seen a Dr in almost 4 years and taking Gabapentin that is 4 and 5 years old. Anyway, enough of the sad story bullshit. I'll live til I've had enough then eat a biggo chunk of lead and be done.


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Hang on a little while longer. If we get the right person in the White House maybe they can do something with BHOcare and you can get the attention you need. I'm sorry for your condition. Mine is nothing compared to your description.


Full Access Member
Hang in there Hotrod. Hopefully things will change soon and you can get the care you deserve.


Full Access Member
I am still sitting at 220 at last count, but to be honest I am not doing much to change that at the moment. Still trying to figure out what I can actually do without causing massive pain in my knees and hips. However, I have removed a vice, Alcohol is now off the menu.

That's is a good step right there. As for what you can do, you can do plenty. Losing weight is all about diet and it really isn't hard. You just have to decide to do it. Fortunately, in your case, it won't take nearly as drastic a change as did for me, just a few better choices here and there.


Full Access Member
Meloxican does some good will make you hold water and raise bp. I do also use pain meds when I can't sleep.


Active member
drastic changes, no. Unwanted change, yes. I like my hamburgers and steaks haha. However all that aside, I have cut bacon mostly out of the diet. I have had mostly soups and fruits. I do have lots of candy that I take, helps with ADHD, but I can tell when I have had too much and I then wait a few days to a few weeks before I go back to it. My biggest issue is that food is never really on my mind, and so my body is trying to store up fat for the times that I forget to eat. If I had a steady diet, that would probably be what I would need the most at this point.


Full Access Member
Hamburgers are still doable and I had steak twice this weekend. I even had tacos and this morning the scale smiled at me and showed me it's lowest number yet.


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My wife and I do burgers often. We just don't do the bun or fries. Being gluten free has done that for us. And it's not just a fad. She has a sensitivity to it which causes body aches and I turn absolutely inside out if I get a hint of gluten. It tears up my intestines. So being on this diet kinda keeps us from eating the bad things.

Although, we went to a Red Robin burger place last Saturday. They have gluten free buns and fries. I really enjoyed eating that burger and devoured the fries. They have bottomless fries but I only had one serving. Moderation.....everything in moderation.


Full Access Member
I have never been a huge burger fan but the wife is. I now eat mine using portobello mushrooms for a bun. I don't consider it sacrifice since it is freaking delicious. Eventually I will have to increase my calories and I will start eating some of the things I am avoiding now but certainly not everything I was eating before.

"Moderation.....everything in moderation."
Absolute truth right here.

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