New member
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That's right guys, our forum vendors have stepped to support and its members! We're going to run The WeaponsForum Big Giveaway I for 30 days, closing for entry Sunday December 16th, 2012.
On Monday, December 17th, 2012 we will hold a drawing using A number range including everyone's "ticket numbers" will be entered in to the system. We will draw each number, starting with the First Place Prize. Each number following the first will win the next prize until the 11th number is drawn and the final place prize is awarded. Either screen shots, video or both will be used to validate the drawing. We will assign random ticket numbers for each member prior to the giveaway.
How to Enter:
1. Post in this thread and have 50 posts total by 12/16/12 = 1 free "ticket"
2. Become a Supporting Member = 1 "ticket" per $10.00 donation you make to help support the forum. *Supporting Members with 50+ posts will receive the extra ticket for posting here*
Become a WeaponsForum Supporting Member
What's up for grabs you say?? :mfr_omg:
#1 Grand Prize:
$200.00 toward merchandise from High Noon Holsters - Manufacturers of quality holsters, shoulder rigs, magazine carriers and other sidearm accessories.

Prize #2: Custom Muzzle Brake from Brothers In Arms. The caliber, thread pitch and color will be the choice of the winner!!

#3 - #4 - #5 Prizes:
$100 toward merchandise from High Noon Holsters!

#6 Prize:
$25 gift certificate good for any Amsoil order from Synthetic Motorsports

#7-#11 Prizes: The winner's choice of a Leather Key Chain from High Noon Holsters

The Not-So-Fine Print - Please Read!
1. One post in this thread AND 50 posts total earns you one(1) ticket.
2. Having 50 posts DOES NOT mean "trolling" or "bumping" in threads to gain a higher post count.*** If we find a member is making posts such as "I agree" or "That's cool" just to raise his/her post count, that member will not earn the ticket in the Giveaway Drawing! We will monitor the quality of posts over the course of The Giveaway and will only give 1 warning before revoking the extra ticket! Don't make us do it!
3. One (1) prize per member! As stated above, the 1st number drawn will win the 1st Place Grand Prize. The 11th number drawn will win the 11th place prize! In the event that during the drawing a previous winner's number is drawn, we will re-submit to the system until we pull a first time winner!
4. All items in The Giveaway will be awarded and shipped for free to the USA Only. The Giveaway is open to non-US residents, but the winner will be responsible for any additional shipping and/or customs charges!
5. Be on your best behavior! If you are banned or given an infraction at any point during the giveaway you will be disqualified! We want this Giveaway to lift the spirits of the forum and attract new members, let's show everyone how the WeaponsForum Family operates!
6. NO CHEATING!! We will be monitoring IP addresses to be on the lookout for members signing up multiple accounts. If we catch a member posting with multiple accounts in order to gain additional "tickets" we will promptly call that person out and ban him/her from the forum. I am taking this rule very seriously. There's a lot of work that went in to this Giveaway and a lot up for grabs. Do not attempt to beat the system because you will be caught!
7. The forum staff will notify the winner of each prize via PM(private message) and/or email. The winners will have 14 days to acknowledge and claim their prizes by responding to site staff.
*Members outside of the USA will have the option to claim their prize and pay any additional shipping or customs costs beyond normal domestic shipping costs.