So what Gun Related stuff did you buy this week?


New member
300 rounds of tulammo in .40. Ready for some target practice.

Sent from the land of teepee's and buffaloes


Super Moderator
Like Sasquatch, like Nessie, like a unicorn I though these didn't exist any longer. But I found some. Woohooo!!!!!



Full Access Member
I was going to post that I just bought a new safe but when I got there, the girl informed me that it will be on sale tomorrow for $150 off. I think that is worth waiting a day.


Full Access Member
Yep, courtesy of oppo delivery service. It is currently sitting on my trailer.


Super Moderator
Would like to hear a range report on the PRM.

You talkin' to me?? You mean the PMR-30. If so, I haven't fired it yet. Was going to go shoot it this weekend but the weather stunk. Hope to get out with it this coming weekend. Then I'll file a report. I was able to pick up a few more boxes of .22wmr so I won't feel so bad shooting some.


Full Access Member
My dyslexic eyes at there best. I am a kel tec fan owning 3 of them. Would like to here more about the 22 mag.


Full Access Member
If it goes bang, we are interested. We are usually a little more interested if it is something out of the ordinary. :)


Full Access Member
I have held one and am pretty close to the factory. They are very ammo sensitive I am told and watching the price go from $400. to over $800. has made me hold off.
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Super Moderator
Raining again today. The shooting Gods are not smiling on me.

Plus this afternoon was dedicated to celebrating my mother in laws 92nd birthday.

She got about 12 pounds of candy. Problem is she doesn't remember.

Age can be cruel.
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Full Access Member
Metal mag release for 1911. This gun had a plastic one and some mags could be pulled out without pushing release.


Super Moderator
Got another 100 rnds of .22mag. Maybe it will clear up enough to run a magazine through the PMR-30. Also looking for a good holster for it. I may go kydex for this one. I usually pick leather. But the PMR had a good many edges on it that may get caught on anything but the slickest of holsters. Plus I like the retention of the gun clicking into place.


Haven't done much. lost muscle in my hands so I don't do much. Rehab is going well, hope to be back in shape in the next few months

I really need to go shooting


Super Moderator
Haven't done much. lost muscle in my hands so I don't do much. Rehab is going well, hope to be back in shape in the next few months

I really need to go shooting

What happened Jeff? Hope it wasn't too serious but it sounds like it might have been. Get well man.


Not sure, hands are numb and there is a noticeable loss in grip strength and mass in my hands. Has been getting better over the past 6 weeks. No pain, just can't do a lot of things


Full Access Member
My hands went numb from carpal tunnel syndrome in both hands.Shooting pistols did not help. Nerve damage is forever and I don't shoot 100's of rounds a day anymore. Weed eaters ,chainsaws turning wrenches all have to be done with moderation.

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