So is this still the best trigger for the money??? I'm thinking about diving in and building me an AR or 2 or 3. Usually been an AK guy but I think to build my own black, scarey and ugly "ASSAULT RIFLE" so I can piss off the libtards. At least now while it seems prices are down a bit. I was hoping they'd keep coming down, but then all the hype over the FL shooting I'll expect a short rise in prices again as the libtards talk their shit about gun control instead of bullying, child neglect and mental issues.
What receiver do you usually go with for your builds? Seems the Andersons are the least expensive and they're forged T6 too so is there any benefit in spending more if I don't care about the engraving??? I was actually thinking about just buying 3 receivers and get that part out of the way so even if there is a ban someday, I've got those 3 pre ban even though I'd likley only be serious about building one budget build to start off, get a bit more familiar with them, then maybe later on build a nicer more quality one. Also thinking about when doing the NICS form, have 1 done as a pistol instead of a rifle. I was thinking I wanted receivers with closed trigger guards since they're supposed to be stronger, but it appears everyone is out of stock on the cheaper Anderson closed trigger guard receivers.