Random Thought Thread....

ninja man

Full Access Member


Full Access Member
Been at it for seven months already. Lost 25 lbs. I'll keep doing it. Not waking up with body aches is worth it by itself. The weight loss is a bonus. Oh, and beer has gluten in it too. Fortunately I never was much of a beer drinker.
me either, always like the home brew...

if it smells like fish, well, hold your nose...just sayin.


Full Access Member
why is castration not an option? hand out a few and the "entitlement" mentality will diminish...IMHO :nutkick:


Full Access Member
Is Billy Clinton still receiving his full retirement from the pous after being impeached . Monica was glutton free.


Super Moderator
why is castration not an option? hand out a few and the "entitlement" mentality will diminish...IMHO :nutkick:

My solution (if I were in charge) would be to lower taxes. Possibly a low flat tax without any deductions. That way everyone pays into the pool. You make a little, you pay a little, make a lot, pay a lot. Make taxes business friendly. As businesses come back to the US they will put people back to work. More people working means more people paying taxes.

As the unemployment comes down (because there are jobs out there) start cutting back on welfare. Gradually reduce the checks to the point that getting a job looks more attractive than the Government check. Before you know it, the US should be flourishing again and back to it's great self sufficient self.

Sounds like it might work to me. But what do I know?


New member
How about a 1 cent federal sales tax on all products purchased in the united states. Take the gdp times it by a penny and that would be the amount you would pay towards the deficit. Expires in three years. Problem solved. Very little pain to anyone.


Super Moderator
How about a 1 cent federal sales tax on all products purchased in the united states. Take the gdp times it by a penny and that would be the amount you would pay towards the deficit. Expires in three years. Problem solved. Very little pain to anyone.

Makes sense. The only problem I see is it expiring in three years. The Government isn't know for stopping a cash flow. Tax cuts expiring...yeah, but stopping money coming in? I don't see that. I base this on that the Income Tax was suppose to be temporary and getting off the Gold Standard was suppose to be temporary. Just how long is their temporary?

I'd actually like to see my above idea implemented. It would actually lowers taxes, gets everybody to contribute, simplifies the tax code, reduces spending by gradually cutting back welfare, reduces spending by reducing the IRS, all while boosting the economy. It would put Americans back to work and we could be producers again.
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Full Access Member
Ha, my wife and I actually eat at McDonald's a lot. We just say "Double Cheeseburger no bun". They don't bat an eye and are very accommodating. It comes in a plastic tray and they hand you a knife & fork. Can't do the fries since they contain wheat and are cooked in the same grease as other items that have wheat.

We do breakfast there quite often too. We just order scrambled eggs with cheese and a side of either sausage or bacon. They know us so well at the local McDonald's that they start whipping them up when they see us walk in.

We've been to McDonald's, Wendy's and a few other places that have no problem when we say "No bun". At Chick-fil-a we can do the waffle fries. They have a dedicated fryer just for them and they don't contain wheat. It really hasn't been that difficult maintaining this diet.
very interesting...must research this concept more...


Full Access Member
My solution (if I were in charge) would be to lower taxes. Possibly a low flat tax without any deductions. That way everyone pays into the pool. You make a little, you pay a little, make a lot, pay a lot. Make taxes business friendly. As businesses come back to the US they will put people back to work. More people working means more people paying taxes.

As the unemployment comes down (because there are jobs out there) start cutting back on welfare. Gradually reduce the checks to the point that getting a job looks more attractive than the Government check. Before you know it, the US should be flourishing again and back to it's great self sufficient self.

Sounds like it might work to me. But what do I know?
dang! there you go wanting to use real math, logical thinking and a positive attitude...you will never be in charge cause it would work and people would become less govt dependent, sorry. :think:


Super Moderator
people would become less govt dependent, sorry. :think:

There it is right there. Government doesn't really care one bit about what really happens to us. It's all about power and control. If people were to become more self sufficient and less dependent, Government becomes less powerful and wouldn't have the control over us it has.

Once, the US Government and it's citizens were partners in running this country. Now, the Government has grown to a position of parent over it's citizens. And they have a "Do as I say, not as I do" mentality.


Full Access Member
Do as I say not as I do. That is like play baseball with me or I will shove the bat up your a--. With guns pointed at you.


Full Access Member
There it is right there. Government doesn't really care one bit about what really happens to us. It's all about power and control. If people were to become more self sufficient and less dependent, Government becomes less powerful and wouldn't have the control over us it has.

Once, the US Government and it's citizens were partners in running this country. Now, the Government has grown to a position of parent over it's citizens. And they have a "Do as I say, not as I do" mentality.
ab-solutely a-greed...

ninja man

Full Access Member
dont know. i have always had a fast metabolism. ever since i can remember. my mom, when i was little, always gave me more food than my dad or brother......... but i am very active. i dont get tired much...... unless im trying to run......


Super Moderator
dont know. i have always had a fast metabolism. ever since i can remember. my mom, when i was little, always gave me more food than my dad or brother......... but i am very active. i dont get tired much...... unless im trying to run......

I was talking about the munkey ballz giving you the fast metabolism. :argue:

Your equivalent of ephedra.

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