Random Thought Thread....


Super Moderator
how the hell do you order a hamburger?

Ha, my wife and I actually eat at McDonald's a lot. We just say "Double Cheeseburger no bun". They don't bat an eye and are very accommodating. It comes in a plastic tray and they hand you a knife & fork. Can't do the fries since they contain wheat and are cooked in the same grease as other items that have wheat.

We do breakfast there quite often too. We just order scrambled eggs with cheese and a side of either sausage or bacon. They know us so well at the local McDonald's that they start whipping them up when they see us walk in.

We've been to McDonald's, Wendy's and a few other places that have no problem when we say "No bun". At Chick-fil-a we can do the waffle fries. They have a dedicated fryer just for them and they don't contain wheat. It really hasn't been that difficult maintaining this diet.


Full Access Member
The lady made me my own stuffing and gravy! Ha ha told the boys to eat what was on the table if they want... I haz a stash...


Super Moderator
I know of a place now selling Gluten Free Pizza. Comes in one size so it can't be made on any other pan that had normal pizza made on it. Each kit for making the pizza comes in a Sealed bag with it's own pan, scale bowl for measuring the ingredients, it's own scoop for suacing that hasn't touched a regular pizza and it's own cutting wheel so it's not cut with a knife that had cut a regular pizza. Then that kit of dishes is washed, sanitized, dried and put back in a new sanitary bag and put in a clear sealed container with all the other kits. I asked about it, and they sell 10-15 a day.


Super Moderator
I know of a place now selling Gluten Free Pizza. Comes in one size so it can't be made on any other pan that had normal pizza made on it. Each kit for making the pizza comes in a Sealed bag with it's own pan, scale bowl for measuring the ingredients, it's own scoop for suacing that hasn't touched a regular pizza and it's own cutting wheel so it's not cut with a knife that had cut a regular pizza. Then that kit of dishes is washed, sanitized, dried and put back in a new sanitary bag and put in a clear sealed container with all the other kits. I asked about it, and they sell 10-15 a day.

Domino's sells a gluten free pizza. They cannot guarantee against cross contamination though. So if you have full blown Celiac disease you should still steer clear of it. Not worth the risk. My wife and I have had them on several occasions. They're good. The crust is a little sweeter then the normal crust and the texture is a bit different. But we like it. They're the only one's we're aware of so far.


Super Moderator
This place is a local chain in OK and a couple stores in AR I think. They also won't gaurentee from cross contamination for liability reasons but will all the precautions they take I'd find it hard to be contaminated. Of course, there is bound to be at least some flour in the place somewhere that can be airborn and if your life depends on it, I'd agree with you, don't risk it.

Sgt. Rock

Full Access Member
Oh you guys with your gluten free foods..geez I eat a pound of bacon every morning with a stack of pancakes, globs of syrup and for lunch Wendy's double cheesebuger with biggie fries and for dinner stop off at Papa Murphy's for a family Cowboy pizza with some nice Alaska Amber beer...I weigh 190 and my wife thinks I'm getting too skinny..go figure. No Trader Joe shopping for me...:drink_nl:


Super Moderator
Oh you guys with your gluten free foods..geez I eat a pound of bacon every morning with a stack of pancakes, globs of syrup and for lunch Wendy's double cheesebuger with biggie fries and for dinner stop off at Papa Murphy's for a family Cowboy pizza with some nice Alaska Amber beer...I weigh 190 and my wife thinks I'm getting too skinny..go figure. No Trader Joe shopping for me...:drink_nl:

How old are you? Maybe you are one of the people who are blessed with a higher metabolism. As we age, our metabolisms slow down and don't process the food we eat as fast. I'm 51 and I've never had a fast metabolism anyhow and one of my legs weighs 190 lbs.

Gluten free wasn't something I had to do. But I wanted to give it a try to see if it would make a difference in the way I felt. It did so I've chosen not to go back to it.


Super Moderator
I'd be happy as a pig in shit to get back to 220. Seems after 30, I tend to put on 4-5 lbs a year, and now 46 and 260. I'd ever be satisfied to bounce around between 225-235. Winter month's and holidays seem to put on 10, then only lose 5-6 of it come spring and summer. And I don't eat much, and I don't eat alot of junk either.

ninja man

Full Access Member
yeah, im blessed with a fast metabolism...... for the time being...... 3-4 whoppers at burger king is what i usually get. im about 190-195, depending on how big lunch was.

ninja man

Full Access Member
question, who posted the thread with the link to the list of guns that were supposedly going to be banned (or attempted anyways). i have tried search but to no avail, and have spent over an hour looking for it. any help would be appreciated


Super Moderator
yeah, im blessed with a fast metabolism...... for the time being...... 3-4 whoppers at burger king is what i usually get. im about 190-195, depending on how big lunch was.

Noway I can do that. After a Whopper and Small Fries I'd be stuffed. This is why I don't do All You Can Eats. I always get so ripped off, and when I do decide to go for it if I'm very hungry, I end up eating til I get sick and can't move for hours. I certainly ate more at 16yo than I do now at 46, and I ate alot of junk food at 16 too.

My son finally told me I was right about something. I was the skinny geeky kid like my son was. Looking at pics, he's a Mini Me all day long. When he stated doing Karate at 9yo, he said he wanted to eat alot so he could work out and get buff. I told him don't worry, about the time you get hair on your nuts, Kaboom, you'll have all the bulk you want and you just have to work into an you'll be fine. Which I did too but then after 30, starts going the other way. My son is now 16 and not the skinny geeky kid anymore.


Super Moderator
question, who posted the thread with the link to the list of guns that were supposedly going to be banned (or attempted anyways). i have tried search but to no avail, and have spent over an hour looking for it. any help would be appreciated

I think that was in the Politics forum, in the Voting thread and was posted after the election. I'll take a gander over there and see if I can find it.


Super Moderator
question, who posted the thread with the link to the list of guns that were supposedly going to be banned (or attempted anyways). i have tried search but to no avail, and have spent over an hour looking for it. any help would be appreciated

Basically, I think the Assault Weapons Ban would include anything with a pistol grip or able to take a high capacity magazine. Depending on how far they try to go, it could include anything semi-auto. From what I've read, all they want us to have is a six shot revolver.

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Super Moderator
Basically, I think the Assault Weapons Ban would include anything with a pistol grip or able to take a high capacity magazine. Depending on how far they try to go, it could include anything semi-auto. From what I've read, all they want us to have is a six shot revolver.


Diane Frankenstein needs to be more worried about those cob web in her cooter than she does a damn assault weapon ban. But go figure, she's from Cali. Don't be surprised. She's not well liked even my most Dems, so I don't see much of her legislation getting pushed thru. :flipthebird:


Super Moderator
Diane Frankenstein needs to be more worried about those cob web in her cooter than she does a damn assault weapon ban. But go figure, she's from Cali. Don't be surprised. She's not well liked even my most Dems, so I don't see much of her legislation getting pushed thru. :flipthebird:

Well I hope not. Time will tell. This AWB has certainly lit a fire under the Guns & Ammo economy. It's going strong. I've made it know that all I want for Christmas is ammo and reloading supplies.


New member
Been at it for seven months already. Lost 25 lbs. I'll keep doing it. Not waking up with body aches is worth it by itself. The weight loss is a bonus. Oh, and beer has gluten in it too. Fortunately I never was much of a beer drinker.

Gluten intolerant as well. Lost 35+ lbs! Still have the occasional burger or pizza though.
There are some Gluten free beers out there...Redbridge being the most common. But like you, I don't drink much.
May cost more to buy gluten free products, but you end up saving a lot of money by not eating expensive fast food.
Besides Gluten, I try and stay away from eggs, dairy and Potato chips also......bad gas and bad breath.
I try and take multivitamins, B-100 and Fishoil everyday, but hate popping pills.
Life's a bitch and still haven't married one!


Super Moderator
I'm still doing eggs, milk and potato chips. It isn't having any effects on me. We do go out for fast food. Just order a burger without the bun. It's not been a problem. And both my wife and I can eat for $5 which include the drink. When we go out to a restaurant, we usually share a meal. It's not that we're cheap, it's we don't eat as much as we use to. Often we go out and share a meal and still bring some home.

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