Home Defense


Full Access Member
I don't think you'd ever get the guy cleaned up completely out of the house. I guess you could always use sealer first and then paint over the rest of him. He should blend in with the wall texture just fine.
why clean it up...nice deterrent. if you are single and never needing to sell the house! :smoke2:


Super Moderator
why clean it up...nice deterrent. if you are single and never needing to sell the house! :smoke2:

You ever smelled dead guts and body tissue before? It's a deterrent alright. Only thing coming around is maggots and flies. It's not a pretty smell.


Full Access Member
Some of those are like heavy artillery - I don't want to take out the subdivision . A Glock 37 for a home defense pistol, a Remington 870, and an AK-47 will do!


Super Moderator
Some of those are like heavy artillery - I don't want to take out the subdivision . A Glock 37 for a home defense pistol, a Remington 870, and an AK-47 will do!

Yepper !!! :waytogo:

I don't keep my 40 rd mags loaded for the AK-47, since I don't want to weaken the springs, but I do keep the 30 rd loaded with 20 rds for quick access at the house IF NEEDED. The Glock 23 is always loaded, and pistol grip 18.5in Barrel Mossberg 500 is always loaded, but none chambered and on safe. The AK would take a bit of time to get to though. It stays locked up in the gun vault.


Super Moderator
Vault only locked when we are not home.

Mine is set so it's locked, but unlocks with about 1/4in turn when home. Noone knows that but me though. Mine also has a key I can freeze the dial. So If I'm running up the street, I turn the dial the 1/4in so bars are locked, then key locks the dial. Pretty much kid proof at that point. When I leave to go to work, trips etc, I spin the dial and then it takes the full blown act of god to open. I don't even bother memorizing the combo cuz I still need directions to get the thing open. 4 turns this way, 3 this way then this and then this, and then turn back until it stops. A bit more complicated than the standard school locker combo lock I use mine for alot more than guns too. I keep all computers backed up on external hard drives, my meds, since they are narcs, kids would love and have to get into, so I lock that up too, important docs, car titles, jewelry when I had some. Here's a pic of the inside of mine a few years ago when it was unorganized, messy and low on ammo inventory. I've kind of out grown it now, but with organization, I've fit more in it. I think 3 more rifles and 1 handgun been added since this photo.


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Full Access Member
You ever smelled dead guts and body tissue before? It's a deterrent alright. Only thing coming around is maggots and flies. It's not a pretty smell.
yep, 10 years on a crash truck. first on scene for the worst of the worst...and in my head it was funny and dripping with sarcasm...oh well. :Big Laugh:


Super Moderator
yep, 10 years on a crash truck. first on scene for the worst of the worst...and in my head it was funny and dripping with sarcasm...oh well. :Big Laugh:

:rofl: Yes, I was aware. And first on scene doesn't smell so bad yet. Although it doesn't take long to start stinking in the heat. Driving a wrecker, doing OHP, PD and County Sheriff accident scene clean ups and vehicle recoveries, I see enough of the blood, guts and flesh embedded into glass and hanging off of jagged metal, or pools of blood from motorcycle crash victims. Actually, a pool of blood left on hot concrete in the summer, by the time the investigation has been done from the fatality involved, and we can finally start clean up and moving vehicles, you can see the blood doing the bubbles things after awhile when it starts to get rid of the air and begins to dry. In that scenario, it doesn't take long at all to start smelling pretty bad. I don't like touching it or getting near it, so I have LEO call the Fire Dept back out to hose it down, so I don't have to step in it, touch it or work around it.

And then when you're picking up totalled cars for insturance companies to take to Coparts, IAA or TRA, those which were fatals or lots of tissue loss and damage, don't smell so good either after the week the 2 weeks for the insurnace co and LEO's to release the vehicles. It's a tough smell to lose sometimes. It can hang with you for days even though you were only around for 20-30 minutes.


Full Access Member
I work in an operating room. Blood has a smell; death has a stench. A gut-shot deer on a 70 degree day is nasty. Worst thing I've smelled probably is fournier's gangrene. Literally rot crotch.


Full Access Member
I work in an operating room. Blood has a smell; death has a stench. A gut-shot deer on a 70 degree day is nasty. Worst thing I've smelled probably is fournier's gangrene. Literally rot crotch.
old people dying at home, then getting called to do a welfare check on a 95 degree day. then finding them 2-3 day dead...vick's vapo-rub dont keep the rotting smell out of the nostrils...yup, there are way too many ways for a puke-burp to happen...:suicide:


Super Moderator
old people dying at home, then getting called to do a welfare check on a 95 degree day. then finding them 2-3 day dead...vick's vapo-rub dont keep the rotting smell out of the nostrils...yup, there are way too many ways for a puke-burp to happen...:suicide:

Yep, like I said. The smell seems to stick with your for a couple days. Does me anyway.

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