Home Defense


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That's Tizz/Bizz not mine, however I believe it's a Dirtbagz? I think Trey (go figure) or somebody has a connection with em


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you sure that is a dog? all I see is tongue.....

I'm thinking that dog might just be "Girls Best Friend" instead of Mans Best Friend. :rofl:


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I"ve got many of choices for home defense from AK-47, 357Mag, .40S&W Glock, but I'd likely use the most worthless gun I have, and for several good reasons.


You know if you shoot someone, justified or not, Johnny Law is taking your gun for evidence, so be prepared whatever you use, will be gone for a long time and maybe forever, you know how evidence gets "LOST" especially the nice evidence.

In the heat of the moment and maybe dark, or lots of moving around in the scuffle, you're not likely to be accurate. You don't have to be accurate with a shotgun at 10-30 feet.

And the likelyhood of birdshot penetrating 2 layers of drywall and hitting your kid sleeping in another room is slim should you be shooting towards another room in the house. My shotgun is loaded with 2 rounds Birdshot, followed by 3 rounds OO Buckshot. First 2 shots are for me to do some damage and get a bit more control, and can certainly be lethal at close range. (Imagine the Mess), then if still needed, you know what the last 3 shots are for.

That's JMO and my reasonings. Cheap as hell shotgun is the way to go. I've got about $30 in this one. Bought it used in bad shape and cleaned it up. Works perfect. I did cut the barrel down to legal length though. It was a 24in, now 18.5.


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You don't have to be accurate with a shotgun at 10-30 feet.

I hope you've patterned your shotgun at those distances. Most shotguns do NOT spread much yet at less than 10 yards. You can not spray and pray. It takes time for that shot to spread; usually more time than is available inside a home. At those distances, it must be fired as a single projectile. If you haven't, measure the distances of the rooms in your house. Then fire your shotgun at those distances.

Don't count on the weapon to make up for poor form. Much better to train and practice more.

A shotgun can be a good choice. I have a Mossberg 590 with tritium ghost ring sights in the bedroom. I have 3 weapons at the ready (behind simplex locks): the 590, a Beretta CX4 Storm, and a Beretta Cougar 8040 with trijicon tritium sights. Which I grab depends on the situation.

A likely threat in daylight at possible greater distance gets the 590. Unlikely but possible threat daylight or dusk gets the pistol (so I'm not wandering around the house pointing a shotgun at the propane guy, or somebody legitimately at the wrong house). Nighttime threats get the CX4 - has a tactical light, laser sight, and Trijicon reflex holographic sight. Plus the 11" barrel firing .40 pretty much eliminates muzzle flash.

Those are all after they get past my buddy.


Here's the CX4 before I put the Trijicon on top:



Super Moderator
I actaully don't want bird shot to pattern much. It's much more lethal clumped and better penetration. When I say I miss, I'm not saying by 2 or 3 feet. You point a shotgun at someone's face or torso at 10 feet you will not miss even if you went off a little to the left or the right, or they moved to the left or the right a step. You'd have enough damage to them to get that 2nd shot where you want it.
Although you're right about practice. Never can practice to much. Which is another good reason to use a shotgun. Shells aren't that expensive and you can practice practice practice.


New member
. With kids at the other end of the house, that isn't really an option for me. My nightstand gun is a GP 100 in 357 magnum. I shoot it better than any handgun I own. Also, I normally have my ccw, a full size M&P in 357 sig, either on me or next to me.

Does this seem funny/strange to anyone else? Can't shoot shotgun because of kids but a 357 mag is acceptable? Not criticizing, but this just struck me as funny! No offense intended, Oppo!

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Other than my baby (my avatar), I do have a small little arsenal BUT I am saving up (and waiting for the kinks to be dealt with) for a nice Keltec KSG


Full Access Member
Does this seem funny/strange to anyone else? Can't shoot shotgun because of kids but a 357 mag is acceptable? Not criticizing, but this just struck me as funny! No offense intended, Oppo!

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Penetrating power of 357 vs shotgun..... hmmmmm!! Ever dealt with the innocent bystanders (neighbors) of a house shootout with high caliber handguns?. 45ACP through the outside wall, in through the neighbor's window and hit the neighbor.


The round you use will make a big difference. I know my defense load is very much different than anything else I do


New member
What's everyones preferred choice for home defense?

If an intruder can make it past these two monkey's,


I've got the Benelli 12 gauge in Desert Camo that's in this pic on guard.


I dont know if anyone has told you this or not,but those are dogs not monkeys....just sayin..


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First grab is my Glock G20 10mm loaded with Black Talon and two back up mags. Next is the Benelli M4 12ga 00-Buck. Pretty much locked and loaded in every room of the house.


Full Access Member
Does this seem funny/strange to anyone else? Can't shoot shotgun because of kids but a 357 mag is acceptable? Not criticizing, but this just struck me as funny! No offense intended, Oppo!

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It has nothing to do with penetration. It has to do with the hallways between my room and theirs. A handgun is much easier to use under those circumstances. I am not just sitting in my bedroom and leaving them all on their own with a threat in the house.

Since you brought it up though, buckshot will easily penetrate multiple interior walls as will any self defense round. Just something to keep in mind.

I have also taught the kids to turn on the lights if they get up at night and say their name if they hear anything. That way, I know it is them.


Full Access Member
Penetrating power of 357 vs shotgun..... hmmmmm!! Ever dealt with the innocent bystanders (neighbors) of a house shootout with high caliber handguns?. 45ACP through the outside wall, in through the neighbor's window and hit the neighbor.

Bullet construction is the major factor when it comes to penetration. A plain old round nose 158 grain 38 special penetrates more than a 125 grain 357 magnum hollowpoint. Also, expanding rounds often penetrate less the faster you push them because of increased expansion and eventually coming apart.

Also, any self defense round would/should go through a brick and a window. Case in point, the 45. All else being equal, the 45 is not a deep penetrator.


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Used to be my attack-cat Cosmo, but since he's 15+ and more of a scaredy-cat now, I have to rely upon my Glock 23 and a surefire flashlight. Blind 'em and shoot 'em.
Have a old Ithaca 20 gauge pump I'd like to turn into a home defense weapon.....just hate to butcher the gun since the stock is like new.


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It has nothing to do with penetration. It has to do with the hallways between my room and theirs. A handgun is much easier to use under those circumstances. I am not just sitting in my bedroom and leaving them all on their own with a threat in the house.

Since you brought it up though, buckshot will easily penetrate multiple interior walls as will any self defense round. Just something to keep in mind.

I have also taught the kids to turn on the lights if they get up at night and say their name if they hear anything. That way, I know it is them.

We had a rule in our house too, when you come in after 10pm or so, whether it been the wife from a late meeting, kid off at a school function, me coming home from work late, whatever the case may be, the minute you walk in the door in a normal voice, not whispering and not yelling, but start talking, saying who you were, and/or where your home from whatever the case may be. Wouldn't be able to hear you if whispering, and might mistake you for the bad guys communicating, no need to yell and wake anyone up, but if anyone was listening for follow up noise to a strange noise, they'd be able to hear your normal voice. The kids were normally required to wake us up anyway if they came in late. Just so we knew they were home safe and to get up and check them out if we suspected there may have been some drinking going on.


Full Access Member
Alright guys, once I save up, I will be purchasing a KSG for home defense. My biggest question is, what options do I have for keeping it safe during the day when I'm gone? A safe isn't practical because in an HD situation I'm gonna wanna grab it as quick as possible. What other storage options do I have?

I'm looking for something to keep it safe and be quickly accessible. From what I can tell, the best way to do that is instead of it being locked away, it simply being hidden. Similar to the other thread, hidden in the bookshelf. Except I can't afford that shit, lol.

Thanks guys,

Also for you 12 gauge guys. Check out the Winchester PDX1 line of HD ammo. The slug/buckshot doesn't seem that impressive, but the newer segmenting slug really impressed me on the ballistic gel test. Watch the wound cavity of the others, then wait till the end to see the 12 gauge slug. They wouldn't take a step


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