Lucky for us, we have the same too in most counties in OK too. I have very very few crimes within a 5 mile radius of my home and most of those are domestic in nature. Like an assault for example. Wife burnt dinner and didn't do the dishes, she got smacked around a bit. OK, it was just a bit funny for just a second, but not cool at all and the fugger deserved to be charged. But, that's my point. Were not some tiny po dunk town, big enough for 3 large high schools, 4 fire departments and another being built, along with big enough to have about any store, like Lowe's, Home Depot, all the Discount Auto Parts etc, A Dicks Sporting Goods, which they can leave and wouldn't hurt my feelings, and I'd say we average 1 murder a year. Those too are usually domestic in nature, where 2 buddies got drunk, got into a fight and knife got involved, maybe even a gun sometimes. Some years, we have 0 murders, then one year we might have a domestic brotherly love gun fight and they kill each other. NO graffiti around here, no gang violance. Our cops are pricks and that's one of the advantages. Most criminals don't want to come here cuz the law has a reputation for being pricks here. And the cops attitude is, defend yourself, then call us, we'll get county to clean up the mess and haul off the leftovers, splattered guts and all.