What is your take on the influx of border crossers?


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Have you heard about the influx of border crossings lately?

Mostly young children coming across illegally. Very few adults. They are being round up and put in detainment centers.

Glen Beck says the conditions are deplorable and we need to do something for them. He's wanting donations to send food, clothing etc. to improve things for them. Then he starts crying. I have to turn him off.

Then you have others saying "Ship them back home". We don't want them, we have bigger problems, If we let them stay it sets a precedence.

Is this something the government knew about or even orchestrated?
I can see the meeting....."Lets get children to come over. The soft hearted Americans won't turn them away. They'll be future Democrat voters".

What the heck is going on?


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It wasn't enough to simply bus people from poll to poll and buying votes with welfare. They are importing votes.


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The government expects us to obey the laws, When in fact they do not obey the laws. These people are undocumented illegal aliens. Send them back.


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My concern is if word gets back that they are being well taken care of and possibly are allowed to stay, we ain't seen nothing yet. The border will be overrun worse than it already is. And who knows what kind of people that will bring.

Sgt. Rock

Full Access Member

I am onboard with these protestors including the mayor..enough with our government dumping illegals on the doorsteps of cities who are expected to house/fed/give medical care for undocumented illegals. Many towns and cities are still struggling from the economy to balance their budgets and create jobs for their own citizens. Sorry Central America but this is YOUR problem not American tax payers. Those buses should turn south and take them back where they came from and send a bill to the countries in question for the expenses.


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Lock down the boarder. Treat anyone attempting to enter the country illegally as an enemy combatant and engage them as so. My bet after about a week of engagements we would no longer have an issue. Fuck Iraq, fuck Afghanistan, bring our troops home and secure our country.


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Use armed drones on the boarder and take a few out. Stop the people sitting on top of the trains with a few power lines just above train height . We will have nothing left to defend if ostupid has his way. Rich just get richer and f--k the rest of us. Ruling class runs our government.


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I heard they want the tax payers to pony up money to build them a place to live, If i pony up i want it to be for plane tickets back home. WTF


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The cause of the recent influx has to do with the terrible violence and poor state of central America lately. Honduras now has the highest homicide rate in the world, Guatemala, El Salvador, and Nicaragua aren't fairing much better.
The cartels and gangs are running rampant and the governments don't have the power to do anything about it. I can't really blame the people for trying to get the hell out.

That being said, the US still has immigration laws, and simply can no longer afford to support the mass of illegals that come to our country. I'm not sure what the long term answer is, but I'm not one who says we should start shooting people trying to cross the border. Seems a bit too "Iron Curtain" for me. I know some pretty gung-ho soldiers and marines, but not one of them would want to stand in a guard tower and shoot unarmed innocents.

In the interim, I actually agree with the latest suggestion to move more immigration judges, lawyers and workers closer to the border to process the illegals and get them deported more quickly. The shelters in Texas are being overwhelmed and the faster we can process them and get them moving along, the better.


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The way you make it sound we should be seeing people from Chicago flocking to the Honduras. If we let them die in the deserts instead of picking them up at the boarder and putting them in air conditioned housing we are just inviting more. Killing a few drug smugglers while crossing might get their attention. Put the drones in the air,and turn off the taxi service.


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Chicago is paradise compared to the situations in much of Central America, there is really no comparison.


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That is why I first said send them to detroit. I would argue about the black side of ci town being better than hondorus. Both suck,both war zones,put in liberty city ,watts and most other government developments that the cops can't clean up because of gangs. Joe you must live in LA la land. Our government is covering up most of the crime stats because they would require military intervention to fix. Yes it is in most of the lower income districts. I grew up in these areas and fled when I could.


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I grew up in these areas and fled when I could

Exactly, and that is why they are fleeing conditions that are much, much worse.

Again, I'm not giving the border crossers a free pass. But understanding the bigger picture is important.


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I did it by hard work and not crossing boarders. Give them all $20 and send them home. The children will be allow to stay on tax payers dime. We are so F--ked.

Sgt. Rock

Full Access Member
From League City to Galveston, local and county government leaders are standing their ground and sending the federal government a message as tensions mount over the growing humanitarian crisis at the border.

League City council members passed an ordinance that would ban the processing and detention of immigrants caught crossing our border illegally.

While there were protests and legal arguments against the measure, the ordinance passed by a 6-2 vote Tuesday.

I say stand your ground America..enough is enough with supporting and giving rights to illegals. They broke the law coming across the border..which part of this don't you understand.

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