Very off topic but,


Active member
Sorry that I have not been around for awhile, even though I said I was going to try to be more present. I have been working hard in my college classes and I am very close to getting on the Presidents Honor Roll list this term, 4.0. I have been really busting butt to get a good grade in my classes and to get some good projects out of them so that I can show them in a demo reel to potential employers. I have been working on making a few animations and I think I have done pretty good so far. I am really hopeful that if I can wow some of the teachers, I can have them help me get a good name with Disney as many of them work for that company. The goal is to get with a company like that if I can.


Super Moderator
Best of luck with that. I've always said that when I grow up I want to work for Disney. Well that didn't happen. The working for Disney part. I'm almost grown up. Just another 20 years or so. Disney is one of my favorite places to be. Either in the parks or on a cruise ship. Can't wait for my next adventure. You've got a great goal. Hope you achieve it. Don't use me as an example.


Full Access Member
It is great to hear that things are on track and going well. The world would be a better place if more people had their priorities straight. Like many of us, I would certainly like a do over on a few things. Keep up the good work and best of luck.

Sgt. Rock

Full Access Member
Study hard, work toward a goal and achieve independent success..something the Democrats don't want to hear. Computer enhanced graphics and animation has grown leaps and bounds since the beginning of say Industrial Light & Magic back in the 70's...good luck on your project and success.


Active member
I have 3 confirmed A's in my classes and I have a B+ in the last one. Apparently the professor in that class is not known for giving A's but I think I can still hit the mark. I have been working hard, but I am getting a lot of help in the school and they are doing a lot to help me get my classes setup for the next term.


Active member
Whelp I failed . . . I only got 3 A's and an A- . . . I was hoping to get an A, but I suppose I will have to live with being second best. Which is actually better than I have ever been in the academic area so I suppose I cannot complain to much. But that is a 3.9 GPA for the term so I am managing to keep my head above board.


Super Moderator
You are far above any of my academic accomplishments. I was lucky I even graduated. I think the teachers got together and agreed they just wanted me gone.

Worked for me!

And congrats on the excellent grades.

Sgt. Rock

Full Access Member
Funny I also just got by in high school (parents divorcing didn't help) but after I went into the service my attitude changed and afterwards used my GI Bill to further my education and buy a home..good luck on your quest, you sound like a lad who has a bright future ahead...:handshake:


Active member
Well my GPA has never been stellar by any stretch of the imagination, but since I started going into the field that I am shooting for, I have hit new levels of excellence.

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