This really offends me ... Feinstein says Vets shouldn't own guns...


Full Access Member
This is one "EVIL" hearted woman, did anybody read that she also said that it was okay to use drone to hunt down America citizen?


Super Moderator
If I ever want to use the word C U N T to reffer to someone, that bitch is the one !!!

Sure you hear of some of the guys coming home and going off the deep end and snuffing their wife... If she wasn't a ho while he's over there being a fuggin target, and she in a warm bed everynight with a different Tom, Dick and Harry every other night, he probably woudln't have gone off the deep end. There's also a couple stories where the guys came home, and the wife or wife's trick, snuffed the guy after he was home for a week or so, so they could carry on with their love affair. Now that is some lowlife bullshit !!!


Super Moderator
This is one "EVIL" hearted woman, did anybody read that she also said that it was okay to use drone to hunt down America citizen?

She, like Joe Biden doesn't know when to shut up. There are some crazy enough Cali's too, she's not careful, she might end up the next Gabby.

A real good way to make young men and women want to sign up for our military. Now sign up, but when you come back, you'll have alot less rights than other Americans because you fought and suffered for the country and will be PTSD, so we're not going to allow you have firearms when you get back. Even though you will be properly trained better than the average citizens. Stupid Bitch !!!


Full Access Member
Doesn't suprise me at all. She doesn't think ANYONE shold have firearms.
it's the ANTIs plan to whittle away the 2A tiny bit by tiny bit. Divide and conquer.

They may be stupid, but they are not dumb.


Super Moderator
I want to see someone in New York contest thair ban in court all the way to the US Supreme Court like the DC handgun ban did. Once the Supreme Court overturns it and sets a precedent, then we don't have to worry about it anymore. Notice they're not trying to ban handguns now??? Cuz they can't !!! Supreme Court ruled it Unconstitutional and set the precedent. And handguns are used in over 90% of the gun deaths in US. If someone was to get some balls in ChickAGo, they could easily get their gun ban reversed siting the US Supreme Court case of 2008.


New member
This pisses me off too! i h8 that btch. She needs to go away. I agree with the previous statements about "them" wanting to disarm the guys that know how to use em. Maybe we have some of these crooks scared and thats why they are pushing this so hard? I wish more people would give a crap, most people I speak to dont want to talk "politics" I guess those are the morons that got us here in the first place.


Super Moderator
Ohh well, it's not just them. It's everyone she want's disarmed. And if you think all she wants taken away is what she's calling assault weaopns and a mag cap ban. Here she is 95 after the 94 Gun Ban. She wasn't satisfied with just the AWB and Mag Cap limit. She wanted more !!! And still does !!! :flipthebird:

[ame=]Feinstein on her 1995 "Assault Weapons Ban" - YouTube[/ame]


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Frankenstein, The People Hunter !!!



  • FrankenPeopeHunt.jpg
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Full Access Member
Humans were not on the endangered list. She has a CCW and security thet we pay for. They are running scared because the sleeping giant has woke up. Hopefully not to late.


Super Moderator
Why is this bitch still in office? Its like her sole purpose in life is to get guns banned.:banghead:

Because she's a Democrat in Cali Hippiville. Peace Loving Flower Child, Pro Gay, Pro Choice and Pro Union in a Union working state. And she will do nothing about immigration so the fence jumpers families who are legal to vote will vote for her.

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