Removing the Confederate flag


Active member
Welcome to the common sense reforms of humanity. If it does not meet some political agenda then it must be stopped before the evil can spread and infect the rest of us with its message. I don't understand people and times like this make me glad that I don't or I might just go insane over how stupid we can be.


Full Access Member
Obama " A win for the working class" How the f--k would he no he's never been it. Supreme court teetering on socialist also. WAF...


Super Moderator
Obama " A win for the working class" How the f--k would he no he's never been it. Supreme court teetering on socialist also. WAF...

Yeah, I heard about that. If I understood what they were saying correctly, the Supreme Court didn't go by how the law was written. They interpreted it their way or rewrote it so that it would pass. That's NOT their job. If it didn't pass the way it was written then they should have shot it down or sent it back to be re-written.

That's like if I handed in a class assignment that didn't answer the question exactly, the teacher just interpreted what I meant or re-wrote the answer for me.

They are all working together. Left, right and supreme court. Crap like this could make someone become a conspiracy theorist.
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Sgt. Rock

Full Access Member
We live in political correctness and socialist times my friends..common sense and majority rule has been swept aside for political gain and a change of values and morals that most Americans find offensive...or at least disagree about. The confederate flag is simply a symbol of past history and pride reserved for the deep south. Just because some lunatic wrapped himself in it doesn't make it a bad thing..didn't David Koresh fly the Stars and Stripes over his Waco compound back in '93? didn't hear anything about banning the American flag back then...but I can see both sides to this story. Thanks for all of your comments...Sarge.


Super Moderator
One of the many problems I have is that no amount of facts or logic will change their minds. They are so closed minded that once they start on a cause that they cannot be convinced to see it from a different perspective. Even when it's a black confederate historian explaining it to them. And then to the degree that they keep taking it to. They're never satisfied. They keep chipping and chipping away at it.

Once they get rid of one thing that offends them they find something else that offends them. These people have too much damn time on their hands or nothing better to do. It must be nice not to have any other pressing concerns in their life that they find these offensive things to spend time on. Over and over again. They offend me.


Full Access Member
First off, I am think the people and companies that have stopped making and selling confederate flag memorabilia and items is going a bit too far. The Dukes of Hazzard thing is just stupid. I believe that people should have every right to fly the flag if they so wish, post it at confederate memorials and fly it at cemetaries of the southern fallen from the civil war. That's all well and good.

What I do have issue with is a state governemt flying a flag of rebellion at a state house and I am unsure of the need to have it as part of a state flag.
It is, after all, a flag of rebellion. A flag that symbolizes the darkest part of America's history. And a flag that is, whether you like it or not, a symbol of slavery and black oppression.

From Mississippi's declaration of succession...
"Our position is thoroughly identified with the institution of slavery- the greatest material interest in the world."

In a speech by Alexander Stevens (VP of the Confederacy) he said.
"The Confederacy's cornerstone rests upon the real truth that the negro is not equal to the white man; that slavery- subordination to the superior race- is his natural and normal condition"
And another problem is the timing of the reinstatement of the rebel flag in many parts of the south directly coincided with the civil rights movement in the 1960s.

I am not personally offended by the flag, and have really no stock in whatever decision is made. I just can't understand why many people choose this symbol of racism and division as a proud part of their heritage.
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Super Moderator
I really don't have a dog in this fight either. Progressives just irritate me using this senseless act to further their agenda by attacking the Confederate flag just because Roof was holding one in his picture. And the way all these corporations have run and jumped on the wagon is absurd. Makes me want to display a Confederate flag if for no other reason than to tick them off. That's the only meaning it would hold for me. Not heritage, not hate, just to tick off a progressive.


Super Moderator
And on a lighter note......



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Nice girl and now she can marry her girl friend in all 50 states. WTF is up in this country?

Sgt. Rock

Full Access Member
If that mayor in Memphis goes ahead and digs up those graves, I think he should be charged with a crime and impeached..what an idiot.

Sgt. Rock

Full Access Member
Hay sleeping giant wake UP!

Tell that to our so called commander-in-chief...he can't even say the word ISIS or terrorist..I think it's against his religion...whatever that is. The police who literally caught that flag climber who removed that confederate flag from the state memorial..they should of let her dropped to the ground in my opinion.


Full Access Member
The research scientist that said " he did not believe we came from monkeys but they may be making me change my mind ". The division in races is getting bigger fast.
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