Removing the Confederate flag


Super Moderator
And look at all the battle flags flying off the shelves. It's in the Southern nature to rebel. If you tell them they can't do something they say "Watch me". Guilty of that one myself. People who have never put any thought into the battle flag before, for it really had no meaning to them one way or another are now taking a stand and buying and displaying their own just to protest the PC bull crap that is taking over the nation. They're not pro slavery, not pro Southern heritage, their just sick and tired of all the political correctness that is infecting everything.


Full Access Member
That's not the point. It's the principle. There is a Southern pride and many families can trace their ancestors back to the war. The battle flag is being taken down for the wrong reasons. It's unfortunate that the flag was used by some organizations that represent some dark times in our history and that seems to be what has stuck with it. But that wasn't what it's original meaning was. That's why some people are so up in arms about it. To them the flag represents heritage. The heritage of the South fighting against a tyrannical government. It wasn't as much about slavery as many believe. Black, white and American Indian fought, slept and ate side by side unlike the Union army where the ranks were segregated.

Fighting against a tyrannical government rings a bell................hmmmmm.


Full Access Member
AS I've mentioned already. I have no problem with private citizens displaying the battle flag. It's your right as an American to fly a Confederate flag, or whatever flag you wish to hang.
I have no issues with it flying over monuments or graveyards of confederate soldiers. I would actually disagree with the removal of such flags. These men fell fighting for something they believed in and whether or not I agree with that cause if irrelevant.

But flying a flag of insurrection over a government building isn't exactly helping anyone's cause. And as I have noted in previous posts, the succession of southern states is inextricably linking with the institution of slavery and the belief that white men were superior to blacks.

I think it's removal has been a long time coming, and is long overdue. I guess that since we are coming at this issue from totally different angles, we will have to respect each others positions and just disagree on this one.


Super Moderator
Just to clarify things. The battle flag did not fly over the capitol building. It flew beside a confederate monument on the grounds. As I understand it, it use to fly over the capitol but was moved to the monument because it was deemed offensive flying in it's original location. So it's already been moved once to please the offended. So what's the difference between the flag and the monument? Don't they represent the same thing? SC says the monument will remain but nobody is raising a stink about it...yet.

I really don't have a dog in this fight. I'm not for slavery if that's how the flag is viewed and I don't have any idea if my ancestors fought in the war. I'm quite sure non of them ever owned any slaves. My problem is with the sniveling liberals/progressives getting their way. This isn't the last we'll hear from them. They're already trying to decide what part of history is next to be put away in a museum. They're never satisfied. I'm also irritated that they used this tragic shooting as a platform to remove the flag. Everything was alright until Roof took a picture of himself with it. The flag did not cause Roof to do what he did. The evil inside him did.

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Full Access Member
Civil war soldier statue on court house grounds in gainesville Fla. is under attack. If he must go so does MLK statue!!!!!!!!!!! Wall mart not selling class rings with southern cross on them to students. The battle lines are being drawn. Ostupid will get his wish. Soros's plan all along.


Full Access Member
I guess they could just nuke Atlanta that would take care of the generals.
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Super Moderator
Might have to visit him and offer my support.

Better hurry.

Conservative Tribune said:
BREAKING: Obama Takes Sick Revenge on Gun Store Owner Who Dared to Ban Muslims
A Florida gun store operator has banned Muslims from his establishment, arguing that he has a right to deny service to anyone he considers a threat. Andy Hallinan made his decision after the shootings at military installations in Chattanooga, Tenn., last week.

Florida Gun Supply of Inverness, Fla., was declared a “Muslim-free zone” in a video Hallinan posted online over the weekend.

In response, President Barack Obama’s Department of Justice announced that it would launch a civil rights investigation into Hallinan’s establishment.

BREAKING: Obama Takes Sick Revenge on Gun Store Owner Who Dared to Ban Muslims

The War Wagon

Full Access Member
Where's that GI with the umbrella? He can shove that up the collective arses of CAIR -about whom, NOBODY cares! :flipthebird:


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Obamas on the wrong side of history!!!!!!!!!! He will go down as the first communist president in the US.

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