Concealed 27
Full Access Member
Feels like Christmas again, got a new stainless steel guide rod for my G19, a brick of thunderbolt 22 that I had on backorder for at least 6 months but I only paid 17 bucks for it..... I was reluctant to do it cause I've never done backorder but I was happy as well when I opened the box..... I'm done buying ammo I have enough not to worry about never having enough, I need a new safe cause I can't fit it all in my current safe. But after about 2 years of buying good deals when I find them I'm good for awhile when going to range. I'm proud of the work I put into it though cause it took alot of time and internet searching. I'm gonna get a 22 semi auto pistol so I can get some trigger time in......
Concealed 27
Concealed 27