Rangerdanger gay lover


New member
Wanted to drop in and see what's up. Checking to see if anyone knows what they are talking about or r y'all google junkies who think they know what they are doing! So, what's up?


Full Access Member
You said you wouldn't tell anyone... Does it make me gay if I'm the one getting the blow job?

There's a few knowledgeable and helpful members here. You may be the first swampass that loves bird hunting though


New member
Ur only gay when u ask me to put my thumb up ur butt! So don't ask again, had to bleach my thumb last time cause it stunk so bad


Full Access Member
I'm starting to wonder about your manhood. You've been following me around at work commenting on my physique all week. Can we talk about guns and not my arms?


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Google junkies usually look for their facts in the worst possible website and then when they comment on it get flak from everyone due to their stupidity..... we have only the best Edumacated folks here :)


Full Access Member
damn...just when you thought it was safe to swim neeked in the creek again...:alone:

oh, by the way, welcome...careful thought we got ninjas around...:sunot:
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New member
Google junkies usually look for their facts in the worst possible website and then when they comment on it get flak from everyone due to their stupidity..... we have only the best Edumacated folks here :)

I be likes me some edumacated peoples!

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