Random Thought Thread....


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yup, mine doooo...


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ninja man

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hey, i saw a pink .22 just like that at the gun store. i almost bought it, but my oldest daughter like blue now


New member
i think it was inside edition, it was on at my sisters as i was packing up, and they were talking about a place in texas that will host kids parties. and the announcer was just so over the top trying to sensationalize it, it really pissed me off to no end. "Little GIRLS shooting PINK GUNS with real LIVE AMMO!" you know the stupid people in the country were probably outraged at this. i will say that they did also show that the first thing the kids do is take a safety course by certified instructors, and are supervised while shooting. yet they had to point out how one girl shooting was so small that her feet didnt touch the ground when sitting in the chair to shoot...... its pissing me off just thinking of it. they did give the good facts about it being done safely in a range, but the announcer sounded almost appauled he had to cover this story.


Super Moderator
yup, wally world sells the Cricket for $109 here.

We have the Pink Cricket at our local Wally World too.

I was kind of hoping to have funds to get this one for my daughter. 10/22 Pink Laminate. $259 + shipping + FFL fee. Just over $300 by the time all said and done.



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Finished for the day. Cold sudsy bluemoon at ruby tuesdays just outside fort bragg.


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gun control simplified...

cant get much simpler...


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Socialist can not own guns! This may turn LEOS against the average gun owner.I sure hope level heads will prevail.


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Just shocked one my liberal friends by making a logical argument to his question. He shocked me by actually agreeing that it was logical.


Full Access Member
Just shocked one my liberal friends by making a logical argument to his question. He shocked me by actually agreeing that it was logical.

You must be feeling very confused after this occurrence. I recommend taking 2 aspirin and seeing how you feel in the morning.

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