Out of control cops at it again.


Full Access Member
This is the result of successful brainwashing that guns are bad and anyone armed must be up to no good. However, the officer should know the law and has no excuse. It makes me sick that this happened here in Texas.


Full Access Member
Does me too and I'd put money on the resisting being BS too.

They needed to charge him with something to make themselves look better. That's one of the biggest BS charges made right along with the good ole PI


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Its going to get far worse. You can't blame the cop from wanting to get control of the guns. You can blame him for not respecting private rights. This approach could get out of hand fast.


Full Access Member
I understand that being a cop is a difficult job at times.

I also understand from my experience that there are a lot of cops out there that don't act professionally in turn making every cops job much harder and also more dangerous.

I am skeptical about every cop I come into contact with that he/she is on the up and up.


Full Access Member
They still have that gentlemans property. Sometimes you just have to swallow your pride and admit you're wrong. Seems like the Temple PD is having an issue with that.


Full Access Member
You can't blame the cop from wanting to get control of the guns.

Sure you can. Why did he need to control the guns when the man hadn't done a damned thing? To say he needed to control the guns is to say that simply being armed is a suspicious act.


Full Access Member
Sure it is ask a cop. We need to get past that mentality I understand,we are not there yet.


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No, it is a perfectly legal act and we need to quit making excuses for those who treat it as if it isn't.

Concealed 27

Full Access Member
I understand that being a cop is a difficult job at times.

I also understand from my experience that there are a lot of cops out there that don't act professionally in turn making every cops job much harder and also more dangerous.

I am skeptical about every cop I come into contact with that he/she is on the up and up.

Today this is the case, I have LEO friends and its hard for them. This case is different though...Not a traffic stop, property missing on police report...It makes the cops look bad to begin with........JMHO


Full Access Member
So, if he was "resisting arrest" what was he being "arrested" for in the first place? I believe open carry is perfectly legal in Texas, is it not?


Full Access Member
Maybe he was walking north and the cop thought they were border jumpers. You know those bad boy scouts are scary.


Full Access Member
So, if he was "resisting arrest" what was he being "arrested" for in the first place? I believe open carry is perfectly legal in Texas, is it not?

Open carry of long guns is perfectly legal, yes. Handguns must be concealed annd you must have a permit. His was and he did.


Full Access Member
Sadly you are not allowed to resist even an unlawful arrest...

Basically it's one of the charges that allow cops to do whatever they want.


Full Access Member
Yep but they are still the cops. This guy has a web page asking for support of his legal actions.

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