Ok, well, inconspicuous to the point that you can possibly bring it in a high-security premise like where im working which any recording device isn't allowed as well. Before i forget, im also gonna learn some martial arts. Well, when facing a group, armed (like gun), or the circumstance needs you to end the fight very quick, martial arts is not always the answer. That's why im want to equip myself with some handy weapons. For instance, the gun spear, which is disguised as umbrella, if you bring it public, it totally not suspicious, and in office, you only have to keep it on your locker area. For the highly-durable, non-metal knuckle fist, you can attach to your belt and disguise it like as part of the belt. Even in the working area, you have a nice friend under ur sleeve. Well, for the taser gun/stun gun, but i already have the shock mechanism in the gun spear. For the candy explosive, only small explosion like some weak fireworks (that can damage and not cut a finger). But for the explosive, we can drop this if its case sensitive. Taser/Stun gun is only good in close quarter but what if theres quiet a distance from a gunner?