Moving and Changing Jobs


Full Access Member
I use peltors when shooting and double up with plugs when indoors or bigger guns. When I worked I had a pair of plugs hanging from the liner of my hard hat I used.

Concealed 27

Full Access Member
My hearing is so bad not really sure what from but I'm 90 percent deaf in my left ear and hearing aid does not even help so I just deal with it. When my right ears covered every sounds like Charlie Brown's teacher...wha wah Nan na ......lmao,getting old sucks but still happy to be alive.......
Concealed 27

Sgt. Rock

Full Access Member
Funny how you collect "stuff" over the years and never really think about it until you move. Ten years ago when I got divorced I had maybe enough "stuff "to fill one of those little U-Haul trailers. Now..I hate to think about our next and most likely last move will be to move all of our "stuff". Love this George Carlin video..he was right on about "stuff".


Super Moderator
Between hotel bills for 9 weeks and moving trucks..... You don't want to know

I hope by "Hotel" you mean an extended stay place like Residence Inn. It's much more economical to do a couple months there than at a hotel last time I checked.

When my wife and I were building our current home we went into an apartment for over a year. It wasn't suppose to be that long. We lived out of boxes for that amount of time. That wasn't fun.

And on our next relocation we won't move a thing. The new house will have new everything right down to my underwear.

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