Moving and Changing Jobs


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I considered all the options and went with something with 8 cylinders. I considered the local weather environment, roads, commute, vacations, and Cheryl's desire to never do 148 mph ever again.

The sad part, I'm in Utah, it's in Idaho. Having a bit a ground hog day. When I bought the 10 I was in Utah and it was in Idaho..... hmmmmmmmm. This time I'm not waiting, will be up there in the afternoon. Lithia is delivering it to my house.



Is it a Mopar?
Does it start with a "J" or a "D"?
Does it have a "SRT" badge on it?

Inquiring minds want to know. Lol.


It's not red.... or Bright Silver Metallic or any other color associated with the RAM SRT-10


In fact, not even sure Vipers came in this color

Sgt. Rock

Full Access Member
Surprised you didn't check out Dave Smith Motors first...I hear he has quite a selection of Mopar trucks and cars and no sales tax...good luck on your travels north.


I was looking at a variety of trucks to include Chevy and Ford. Found a Chevy that I really liked. Just didn't want black. None of the Dodges I looked at just didn't make me happy. Went to the Ford dealership and the only thing I found was incompetence.

Found out Lithia had a hellcat and just wanted to see one up close. Never even made it to the showroom floor and I was taking a test drive in the truck.

I sure wish the 10 had the features this truck has


Active member
Well at the end of the week he is going to have another addition to that work shed of his. Its a very large Matco Series 6 30 in deep tool box, stocked with a lot of Matco and Snap-on tools. Its very large and very expensive, but I don't need it anymore and I think he will like having a nice box to look at in his work shop. At least it is lighter than some of the items he has recently moved. :p


Full Access Member
My tools sit by wishing for young hands to turn them,and eyes that can see what size they are without extra help.


Super Moderator
My tools sit by wishing for young hands to turn them,and eyes that can see what size they are without extra help.

I still use my tools. My truck is full of them. They help me make a living. But I understand the failing eye's you speak of. I have to wear bifocals in order to see the details. I was out working today and had to constantly wipe sweat from my brow and glasses.

They're a curse and a life saver at the same time. I sometimes get so mad I yank them off and throw them. But then I can't see anything without them. Fortunately it only affects my near sightedness. I can still see distances just fine.

I find I have the most difficulty in a store. Items on the shelves are not far enough away for me to see them clearly but I'm also not close enough to them for my bifocals to work.


Super Moderator
My work mostly overhead required bifocal to be on the top of the glasses.

I've experienced that as well. Wiring openers is a pain having to tilt my head as far back as it will go so I can see through the bottom of my bifocals. Gettin' old ain't for sissy's.


Full Access Member
I started wearing hearing protection after USMC tour and still have profound hearing loss. I worked around explosions on the power line and learned very fast that keeping your feet on the ground allowed you to run faster. As for upside down glasses they work.
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Super Moderator
My hearing is still pretty good. I use power tools almost daily and my main one is a 20V DeWalt impact gun. When assembling doors it can get very loud. I've been using the foam ear plugs since the beginning and it's helped. When using a chain saw or other power yard tool I will usually double up by using the foam plugs and muffs over those.

My father use to come out and help me install doors. I tried and tried to get him to use some form of hearing protection but he complained that they were too uncomfortable. He has a hard time staying with a conversation now. He isn't completely deaf but we do have to speak up in order to get our message across. My mother can only hear out of one ear due to a childhood accident. Communicating can be a challenge at my parents house.

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