m1903 springfeild


New member
I just got this rifle from my grandfather. It's 70yrs old. However, it's been demilitarized. New stock & sights. I really don't care for the peep hole sights. I would like to put a scope on it. But I don't know what kind of scope to put on it. Looking to keep it under $150. Any suggestions?ImageUploadedByTapatalk1355757250.627849.jpgImageUploadedByTapatalk1355757270.473439.jpgImageUploadedByTapatalk1355757293.243905.jpg


New member
Sweet. I hear a lot of good references toward Nikon. I'll think I'll do just that when I get scope $$. Much appreciated


Full Access Member
You will have to get the receiver drilled & tapped for a scope base. Find a good local gunsmith to do this for you. He should also be able to supply you with the correct base and ring set up.
Nice 1903! My first deer rifle was a 1903 that my grandfather had sporterized by Paul Jaeger in the 1950's.

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