Long Sword


Active member
I have a long sword that I have recently obtained, and I was told was Weapons quality. Now I am not a swordsman.... at all... but I am facinated by swords in general. What do you think would be a good training tool to learn to use a long sword without hurting oneself? I have training swords (wooden swords) but I would think that some formal training would still be needed. any opinions?

Training swords

New member

if you like long swords yes I recently got a cold steel long sword if you r strong then you can swing and block but they do leave you open for attacks and over all if u have a good defense then you can almost use anything to kill a person I get your probably not talking about stuff like that but you never know when ull need to know how to kill people with those types of weapon

Training swords

New member
There is not really a good way not to hurt someone with training but find a stick that weighs about right around 5 pounds give or take and then start attacking stuff but if u want the feel take the sword and set up sticks and start breaking them that's how I learned how to beat people

ninja man

Full Access Member
what style is the sword? and how long? my sword training never got any longer than a taichi. most was done with a katana and ninjato.

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