Just Had My Gun Stolen - True


Super Moderator
I was working at a place today that I've been working at on an off for three weeks. I was back and forth to the truck to get things that I needed. Yes it was unlocked. My pistol was down beside the seat (Ford Van) hidden under a box.

One of the other guys on the job site said he saw some guys walking away from my truck. I immediately went to check on the pistol. Sure enough it was gone. They hadn't touched anything else. I pursued them. Saw one of them but by the time I got to where he had been he had disappeared back in the trailer park.

I had no idea or warning that it was a bad area. All previous visits had been uneventful and quiet. I'm mad at myself for leaving the truck unlocked and furious that someone invaded my property and took something of mine. The real concern of losing the 9mm is it is now in the hands of no goods.

Police were immediately notified and descriptions given of the thieves. I'm sure it's long gone. It was probably traded for drugs within the hour. One of the workers there said he saw the local drug guy leaving the park. There aren't enough evil and nasty things that can happen to these people. I'm spitting bullets right now.
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Full Access Member
I was working at a place today that I've been working at on an off for three weeks. I was back and forth to the truck to get things that I needed. Yes it was unlocked. My pistol was down beside the seat (Ford Van) hidden under a box.

One of the other guys on the job site said he saw some guys walking away from my truck. I immediately went to check on the pistol. Sure enough it was gone. They hadn't touched anything else. I pursued them. Saw one of them but by the time I got to where he had been he had disappeared back in the trailer park.

I had no idea or warning that it was a bad area. All previous visits had been uneventful and quiet. I'm mad at myself for leaving the truck unlocked and furious that someone invaded my property and took something of mine. The real concern of losing the 9mm is it is now in the hands of no goods.

Police were immediately notified and descriptions given of the thieves. I'm sure it's long gone. It was probably traded for drugs within the hour. One of the workers there said he saw the local drug guy leaving the park. There aren't enough evil and nasty things that can happen to these people. I'm spitting bullets right now.

Maybe they will get the f's since the were Identified and retrieve your property....Finger Printing should be done ,,, Was it ? ..... That really sucks !


Super Moderator
Maybe they will get the f's since the were Identified and retrieve your property....Finger Printing should be done ,,, Was it ? ..... That really sucks !

No fingerprinting was done. The officer thinks she know who they are. But I figure the gun has already been handed off in trade for drugs. I'll probably never see it again. I'm mostly upset about it being "on the street" and being violated so to speak. It will never happen again. It will either be on me or locked up. I thought hidden was sufficient. It's NOT! Learn from my mistake.


Forgive me, I'm still struggling with how they knew it was there, almost like they were told (especially if nothing else was disturbed or taken)

just typing out loud, hope I'm not misunderstanding what happened


Super Moderator
Forgive me, I'm still struggling with how they knew it was there, almost like they were told (especially if nothing else was disturbed or taken)

just typing out loud, hope I'm not misunderstanding what happened
I haven't had anyone in the truck. There was nobody to inform them. I think it was one of those cases where one guy was watchout and the other opened the door and just looked around. He probably shoved the box out of the way and exposed the gun. Once they saw that they stopped looking.

My cellphone was untouched. There was some cash on the sunvisor that was untouched. I think once they had the gun they had what they needed to get drugs. They high tailed it for cover and placed a call to their supplier.


Active member
That sucks man, but you are probably right about the lookout part. The 9mm would fetch a nice price as a trade and they probably got a good deal on the drugs.... I think they should have done fingerprints though so that they can confirm legally that it was them that took the weapon and get their butts thrown in jail or something. The weapon being on the street is a major concern... did you give the police the seriel number on the weapon so that if it does come up they can ID it as yours?


Super Moderator
That sucks man, but you are probably right about the lookout part. The 9mm would fetch a nice price as a trade and they probably got a good deal on the drugs.... I think they should have done fingerprints though so that they can confirm legally that it was them that took the weapon and get their butts thrown in jail or something. The weapon being on the street is a major concern... did you give the police the seriel number on the weapon so that if it does come up they can ID it as yours?

Oh yeah I gave them the serial and a complete description of the gun. It was a Star Firestar Plus 9mm with the Starvel finish. It wasn't my favorite gun. That's why it stayed in the work truck. Yes it is a major concern that it's in the wrong hands. I really hope they are able to find it even if I don't get it back.

Another thing that sucks is my insurance deductible is more than the gun was worth. The gun isn't made anymore so even if I wanted to replace it (I don't) I'd have to look at the used market.

Word to the wise. If you don't already have a list of your weapons with serial numbers, get up and do it now. In a situation like this it makes things much easier. I hadn't as of this afternoon but fortunately I found the box it came in with all the pertinent info.


Super Moderator
I was stupid on two counts. One - I left my truck unlocked (which I had done at this same location a couple times before with no problem) and Two - I walked up the street after the guys knowing they had my loaded gun (dumb, dumb, dumb). Fortunately they were non confrontational and the one guy I saw went and hid.

Somewhere along my walk I came to my senses and retreated to my truck post haste. They hadn't taken my phone so I was able to call 911. They sent one officer to investigate. What I wanted was a swat team, helicopters, bloodhounds and snipers. Specifically the snipers.

They could have easily confronted me and said "Whatchu gonna do fool? I got your gun" or just shot me and left me there in the street (more likely scenario). BUT! I lived to tell about it. So again, learn from my mistakes.


Full Access Member
I am sorry to hear that. Hopefully others will learn from your mistake and not repeat it.


Full Access Member
shew, one of my real fears.
the older i get, the more i begin to dislike people that act like scum...needs a good scrapping every once in a while.


Full Access Member
Don't know why it took me so long to read this thread Silver... I know what it feels like to be violated like that, it sucks. Sucks even more knowing that some drug dealing thug now has your gun. I hope it is never used to harm another!

I make it a ritual to lock my vehicle before I step away from it, no matter where I am.

I also have a Stack-On lock box with a 1500 lb cable under my seat for my gun. If the gun stays in the car, that's where it goes... period! The box cost me $35 at Bass Pro, but I think you can get them at Wally World and most sports stores.

I hate a thief!


Super Moderator
Don't know why it took me so long to read this thread Silver... I know what it feels like to be violated like that, it sucks. Sucks even more knowing that some drug dealing thug now has your gun. I hope it is never used to harm another!

I make it a ritual to lock my vehicle before I step away from it, no matter where I am.

I also have a Stack-On lock box with a 1500 lb cable under my seat for my gun. If the gun stays in the car, that's where it goes... period! The box cost me $35 at Bass Pro, but I think you can get them at Wally World and most sports stores.

I hate a thief!

I've learned my lesson. My firearm stays with me. Unless I go somewhere that concealed carry is not allowed, it stays with me. If I must leave it in the car them it gets double locked. Either locked in the console or glove box and then the vehicle is locked. Gun theft will NOT happen to me again.


Active member
I ahve actually seen a safe that goes into a vehicle and the bottom plate bolts to the floor board and then the safe part itself has a key lock that has 3 positions. one is unlocked obviously the second is locked but the safe can be taken out of the vehicle and carried away, and the third is that the safe is locked to the base plate in the vehicle and is a little harder to take out of the car.

It actually looks very interesting. I am considering getting one eventually. I will have the wife locate the safe again and I will post pictures of it when I can find it.


Full Access Member
Nothing will be bolted through the floor of my car! Ever!

My little safe can be taken out easily and used in any other car, or the house. And it is TSA Approved for use at the airport....


Full Access Member
I have been looking at the Gunvault MV500 for my truck. I know it won't stop a determined thief but would stop any attempt at a quick grab. Thinking I would use the cable to wrap around the frame of my seat and keep it under my seat.


potato gun

New member
That sucks man. Lousy thieves.

When I was a kid I was playing in a baseball tournament. My mom and I were in my stepdads truck. I left my glove in the truck so I go back without my mom to get it. Forget to lock it. I didn't know my stepdads 9mm Beretta was in the console. Of course when we go to leave mom realizes the gun was gone. Only thing they took. I still feel bad about that to this day. Mainly for fear of what was done with it after being stolen.

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