.223 Ammo for 23 cents!!


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Full Access Member
Shoot it and be happy. If the gun can't handle get a new barrel .Steel CASE IS WHAT YOU WILL GET FROM THE BLUE HATS!!!!!


Full Access Member
I agree.
Even with steel ammo an avg barrel last almost 10,000 rds with tons of mag dumps on 4140 steel
almost all my rifles have cold hammer forged barrels I am sure they will do fine.
And if after 10000 rounds they are worn out, the $2000 dollars saved will buy me a lot barrels.


New member
A lot of the Wally Worlds around here have a ton of .223 back in. Everything from Federal Match, to Wolf, to just ball ammo

Concealed 27

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Yeah I agree, if it goes bang that's all that matters, I don't like cleaning my AR but i do it every time I shoot it.... but i have not shot it for awhile so planning on putting a few hundred rounds downrange at my outdoor range in the area then will clean the next day after shooting. If you keep your weapon clean really does not matter what rds go downrange, but quality of ammo determines how much cleaning your gonna have to do that's the only reason I choose not to shoot the tul ammo. I've shot like 3 boxes (60) rds and its fine for shooting just dirty that's all....jmho


Full Access Member
To bad you can't treat them like a glock,the way I treat my AK. My ar is clean and shinny in the safe. AK may be leaning up behind a door some where.


Full Access Member
Most of my ARs are pistons so I dont mind the TulAmmo is a bit dirty.
As a matter of fact I am about to head yto UPS to pick up the case I ordered the day I posted this thread :)

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