Search results

  1. O

    GSSF discount.

    Wow, great deals.
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    The glock thread.

    Well, I may have my finger on the trigger if my G17 is aimed at a guy about to rape my daughter . . . . .
  3. O


    So Blazer ammo isn't that crappy, right?
  4. O

    Bet you never saw a glock like this.

    So true.
  5. O

    CCW with a G17

    Why not just get a G17?
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    Glock mods

    My G17 mods are over. I like it just the way it is.
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    G19 with G17 Mag

    That is a bit of alteration to get just two more shots. Why not just get a G17?
  8. O

    Bet you never saw a glock like this.

    It looks good.
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    CCW with a G17

    It is time to go to NH Time for OC. No CCW license in NH for me, so I'll OC. It is legal in NH.
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    Their skirts are too long!
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    Repeal 2nd Amendment

    I had to shut it off after 10 seconds. Ugh!
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    Dramatic 747 crash in Afghanistan

    I wonder what the cause of the crash was?
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    Boston Marathon exsplosions

    That is bacon that I wouldn't eat.
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    Good CCW for a woman?

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    US Navy

    1974-80 Operation Frequent Wind 1975.
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    My Military Service

    Turn the camera 100 degrees to the left and you'd see my DD-782 steaming right behind the USS Midway. 28Apr75
  17. O

    The glock thread.

    Yes, a 3.5 lb trigger is a bit too light for most people. Folks should know that the trigger finger should be OFF of the trigger unless it needs to be pulled.
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    Right on, brother!
  19. O

    CCW with a G17

    Good for you, sir. :winner_second_h4h:
  20. O

    Good CCW for a woman?

    We should be very happy to still have access to and ownership of Glock handguns and other hi-cap pistols. I just took an OC G17 walk a few minutes ago here in the Green Mountain State.