Bet you never saw a glock like this.


Full Access Member

Nothing says you can't admire the skill, even if the outcome is not your style


Full Access Member
No thanks. Truly a work of art but not my cup of tea. I rarely care for engraved guns but when I do they are of the wheel type variety.


Full Access Member
That be pimping yo. Matches my new grill.


Concealed 27

Full Access Member
what a waste to do this is what I say... I could build several nice guns for the price it cost them to do that...JMHO


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When I worked at an indoor range in Tucson, I had the opportunity to handle a Glock sort of like that - the slide and ALL metal parts about the frame were gold plated...even the barrel. Obviously the owner had no intention of ever shooting this firearm. The sights had been replaced with synthetic rubies, as well. But, the frame was still the same old utilitarian black plastic as-is from the factory. I had never personally seen a more functionally useless sidearm in my life.


Full Access Member
Agreed, never own a gun you don't shoot

I agree for the most part. If I owned something that had been passed down from generation to generation I'd probably just keep it looking nice. You can't replace something that has sentimental value.

As far as the glock in the OP... That's a useless gun imo. If I wanted a show piece it would a old 1911 or revolver


Full Access Member
a $500 glock
+ $2500 worth of gold plating and engraving
= a glock nobody will pay $3000 for.


It appears to be good engraving, but not any better than what you might find on a well-made revolver, such as a colt or S&W.

It's like putting a $4000 custom paint job on a 1992 toyota corolla. It looks fancy, and you can use it forever until it wears out, but it's really not an investment. You'll never get out of it what you put in, and you can't take it off and sell it.

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