Good CCW for a woman?


Full Access Member
Picked this little guy up yesterday but haven't had time to get to the range yet


It will most likely wind up being my carry gun for the summer and we'll look at other options for her. Our only chance to get to the range was yesterday and the wife got a phone call for a job interview. It's hard finding a babysitter for twin four month olds


Full Access Member
We should be very happy to still have access to and ownership of Glock handguns and other hi-cap pistols. I just took an OC G17 walk a few minutes ago here in the Green Mountain State.


New member
All great advice guys. I think a trip to the range that has a variety of rentals is in order. I'll start her with something in .22lr so the recoil won't scare her at first. Then buikd her up until we find what she's comfortable with

XDs 9mm!!!!! My wife loves her's! Keep in mind she had a XDm 3.8 compact for home protection and practiced with a Walther P22. Sold the Walther and upgraded to the XDs. Now I have the XDm 3.8....... Looks like she will get the XDm 4.5 I have by my side of the bed moved over to her side. Now I'll be able to get another XDm 5.25!!!!!!!

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