Zim found Not guilty!!!


Full Access Member

Definetly restored my faith in the jury system!!!!

And it's a slap in the face for the powers that be who wanted a show trial to please their constituents and teach the unwashed masses a lesson!!


Full Access Member
Now lets see if the people threatening violence will follow thru and walk the walk not just talk the talk.


On MSN they were showing sport stars reactions to the verdict, obviously over paid and under informed. I'll bet not a single one of them watched the trial.... I did, every day. State presented a really good case, I think they did to much screaming and what if's though. Defense stuck with the evidence and on multiple occasions made the prosecution look pretty bad.

I thought it was interesting when the prosecution tried to impeach there own witness after they realized their MMA evidence blew up in their face

To be honest, I thought Zimmerman would still be found guilty based on the way the Court kept limiting what the defense could present of martins background and in closing arguments, the prosecution pulled the race card, the age card, the heart card, the child card and the ignore the evidence do the right thing card.
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Super Moderator
I thought the defense was having the deck stacked against them when they weren't allowed to show the more recent Treyvon, found in photo's on his phone. And the fact that the news kept showing pictures of an innocent looking 12 year old Treyvon.

Just this evening the jury was requesting info about manslaughter. Thought they were considering that. But they came out with the not guilty. I think they are correct based on what I've heard.


Full Access Member
Now, about the real criminals who ruined innocent people's lives? The greedy racists, the hollywood assholes tweeting people's addresses who had to move because of all the death threats, & the self serving jackass politicians? Too bad the real criminals won't be facing charges.

As for the verdict, it was long overdue and all the idiot sheep who have a problem with it can go #$@& themselves.

To the thugs who would seek to use this as an excuse to commit violent criminal acts, good luck. I have plenty of ammo.


I never thought the manslaughter angle would be a possibility the way they jury instruction were read. There seemed to be an unintentional element to the manslaughter finding and the firing of the gun was without question... intentional


Full Access Member
I can't believe I didn't mention the media but I will spare y'all that rant.


Super Moderator
The tweets are already happening about how they're going to hunt Zimmerman. I hope he can get the heck out of Dodge. He'll have to disappear. Even though he's free his life will never be normal again.


Super Moderator
The tweets are already happening about how they're going to hunt Zimmerman. I hope he can get the heck out of Dodge. He'll have to disappear. Even though he's free his life will never be normal again.

Yes I agree. He better get his ass to a state like TX or OK ASAP. Damn sure better be a PRO Gun and Self Defense state for sure. We are a Make my day Law, and Make my Day Law even better which is the well known Stand your Ground law. I firmly believe our crime rate is low due to these laws.


Full Access Member
I didn't see enough of the trial or follow it closely enough to know if it was the right verdict.

He has been acquitted, but now we will most likely see a civil suit by the Martin family.

This is not the end of it.


Full Access Member
Black panthers say they are going to war. DOJ may file civil rights charges against him. Riots are happening and not being reported on national news. Pressure cooker on high.

Concealed 27

Full Access Member
I followed the trial almost every day..... I am glad that he was found not guilty, it set the case for future
Self defense trials. I watched it on local TV, they did a good job. I watched a little bit on CNN and what they talked about and they gave his personal info out which I that was uncalled for. Typical media BS...

Concealed 27

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