Wisconsin Sheriff Says "Learn How To Use A Gun"


Full Access Member
That is a smart sheriff. All the county's civilians as deputy's. This is the way it should be.


Super Moderator
But do you realize where this is going? A sheriff is telling the people that we can't protect you anymore. Yes, they are suffering from cutbacks and a loss of manpower but if you read between the lines he's also saying the level of violence is growing. People are becoming more desperate and willing to take greater chances.

Maybe I'm overreacting but you are hearing about a lot more crazy people and mass shootings and robberies than you ever did before. The economy and current events are driving people to do things they wouldn't normally do. Or they can't afford their meds anymore or something.


Active member
The main reason you are hearing about mass shootings and such more now is because of a really simple thing. People that need the help are not getting it anymore and a lot of parents are ignoring dangerous warning signs thinking "Oh they will get better in time" or " there is not problem". Thinkning like this is dangerous at best. And with all the new Health Care reforms, people that really need the help are going to be LESS likely to go and seek it. It really is making things very unsafe for everyone because of that type of mentaility and I think that is what needs to change. Only once we start actually helping those people that need the help will some of that violent crime go away.


Full Access Member
SC ruled years ago that the cops are not here to protect us. Would you rather go to a shooting or a gun fight? We are on our own so deal with it. Most top cops will not admit it. Why would we need them if that was true? Some body needs to clean up.


Full Access Member
SC ruled years ago that the cops are not here to protect us. Would you rather go to a shooting or a gun fight? We are on our own so deal with it. Most top cops will not admit it. Why would we need them if that was true? Some body needs to clean up.

AND in 2008 the SC upheld the 2nd Amendment big time.


Full Access Member
There is more to this story.

David Clarke, Tom Barrett square off over guns on CNN

But Clarke fired back as well. He brought up the 2009 incident near the Wisconsin State Fair in West Allis when Barrett was beaten severely by a man wielding a tire iron.

"I'm sure that if you had a gun and a plan that day, the outcome would have been a little different," Clarke said to Barrett, who was in a different studio. "I'm asking that law-abiding citizens who make the decision that they see their personal security as their individual responsibility in a like situation can respond as they see fit."


Super Moderator
We need to get all our Sheriff posts in one thread and organized. This one here I"m about to post, fits other threads better, but can't find them. Prolly in the wrong category. But anyway, didn't want to start up a new thread everytime we hear of Sheriff get's on board on our side.

This Sheriff here is the brother of one of my transmission building buddies in So Cali. If any of you have heard of Dana Sniff Transmissions, or Sniff brother's Racing who are twin brothers, Stan is their older brother. I've been waiting and watching to see how he was going to react. He went the right way.


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