Top 5 Survival Guns


Full Access Member
Excalibur is an excellent crossbow. Super easy to restring, best trigger on the market & super accurate.

ninja man

Full Access Member
i would change that glock for a springfield xd . and the ar for a .270.

the springfield, just because im not a glock fan. the .270 because it has one of the most flattest (if not the flattest) trajectory of all the rifles.


Super Moderator
I don't worry to much about this. I know between myself, and the select few that I trust to group up with in the event of SHTF, we'll have a few of everything.

As I've said to a few idiots who are anti gunners, I have enough weapons to protect myself for some time, I'd be in short supply of trigger fingers. That's when they say, See, we can just come over here and help you out and supply trigger fingers. That's about the time I tell them, STFU, you'll be locked out. You talk all this anti gun shit, but you want to come here for protection when and if SHTF??? You can go to hell. I'll want people that KNOW what they're doing and that I don't have to worry about accidently shooting me in the back, that if you don't use firearms and practice gun safety in the real world in a controlled non hostile environment, you damn sure can't do it in a hostile environment and you'd be more of a danger and liability to me and my family than you would help. Suprisingly enough, they tend to mumble a bit and shut up.


Full Access Member
Most people live with their head in the sand. This can't happen here.God will protect us they think.I hope he will.


Full Access Member
Stick with NATO chambered weapons for you SHTF kit. 9mm, .45acp for pistol. 5.56x45 and 7.62x51 for rifle. Glock is the most popular pisto; in the US followed by the 1911. Parts for those will be the easiest to find. AR platform is a great choice. Light weight, accurate to at least 300 meters with iron sights, easy to break down into a more compact package for concealment.

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