The thugs are right?


Active member
I can see were at the apendix location would be a definate advantage, but he is right about the size of the weapon. Only a compact would be advisable as a full size would just plain hurt to much.


New member
I mainly carry mine at my 5 in my waist band...I cant get used to carrying at the appendix, just feels like I may shoot myself in the weiner!!!

Great read though. I may give it some more practice and see if I can adapt to it.
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Full Access Member
I won a quick draw contest from the appendix position this past weekend!

1.49 seconds from hand on head to 2 shots in a paper plate at 3 yards...


Active member
BOOOOO I want to see the plate :p :hidesbehindsofa: But while I wait for the pic I think I will hide behind this..... No sense making myself an easy target :p :D


Full Access Member
It depends on body shape, clothing, and the size of the gun. For me, appendix carry would be pretty obvious. However, if I carry between 3 and 5 o'clock:


Invisible, right?



(that's 8 rounds of .357 magnum and 10 rounds of .40 S&W)


New member
Size does matter

If I carry at 2 the gun is a compact, Glock 27 or smaller. Anything larger is uncomfortable. I normally carry a full size handgun at the 3 to 5 position.

Regarding shooting your parts when carrying at the 2 o'clock position. It does make the finger off trigger safety rule very important.


Supporting Vendor
This is where I always carry. I'm not a big guy, and I can't stand wearing baggy shirts, so it's the easiest for me to conceal. Haven't shot myself in the cack yet :waytogo:


Super Moderator
I'm carrying this way too. Can't stand to have it on my side where it jabs me in the ribs. I am a big guy so if I wear it on my side when I'm driving, the seat belt clicker can't be reached or pushes the pistol up into my ribs. Carrying appendix allows the gun to ride out front. I carry between my pocket and first belt loop. I'm only carrying this way during cooler weather where I can have a baggy sweat shirt or jacket over it.

Concealed 27

Full Access Member
I carry strong side at 530 with larger framed weapons 4"- 5". Shorter 3"-3.5" more at 4 oclock. But I do at times carry in the OP....Its a quick draw but very uncomfortable IMHO.....


Full Access Member
I'm a fat bastard and I carry at this position with a 442 S&W 38 special.
Have no problems.
Also switch it out for a kimber solo every so often.
Very easy to draw and nobody knows that I carry.


Full Access Member
I carry my G17 at the 11 o'clock position and it is invisible. Yet if I need it, it is out and up in less than a second.

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