Terrorist attack French magazine


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For people that think the muslins pray to the same God as Christians you are about to find out differently.For those who hear and see it will become known.


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The Jewish, Christian, Mormon, and Muslim God is one in the same. That is a FACT. Whether or not you choose to accept it does not make it any less TRUE.
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For people that think the muslins pray to the same God as Christians you are about to find out differently.For those who hear and see it will become known.

There is no think to it. It is well known history that they do indeed believe in the same god. What is VERY different are their beliefs about him.

"Muslims commonly refer to Jews (and Christians) as fellow "People of the Book": people who follow the same general teachings in relation to the worship of the one God worshiped by*Abraham"


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Idiotic leftist response to Charlie Hebdo

For some reason, former Vermont governor and Democratic National Committee chairman Howard Dean has taken it upon himself to declare that the Koran does not sanction violence.

Dean compounded his idiocy with gun control claptrap, as pointed out by Mark Finkelstein of Newsbusters:

Dean goes on to decry the fact that the shooters had Kalashnikovs despite France's "tremendous" gun control laws. Does "when guns are outlawed, only outlaws will have guns" ring a bell, Howard?

Thanks to France’s gun control, the Muslims were able to methodically execute their targets. If the editors had been armed, it would have played out very differently.

Read more: Blog: Idiotic leftist responses to Charlie Hebdo #2

How do you say 'Second Amendment' in French?

Paris and another mass murder in a gun-free zone. Another incident where well-armed criminals shot at people who could only scream and watch their colleagues gunned down without mercy.

Wonder if anyone in that Paris building wished he or she had a gun to shoot back. I'm not saying that a couple of concealed weapons would have stopped well-armed terrorists, but it could have bought a little time before the police got there.

Read more: Blog: How do you say 'Second Amendment' in French?


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No more comments about God.Prove me wrong read the Bible.He is one and only one not the god of islam.
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Full Access Member
No more comments about God.Prove me wrong read the Bible.He is one and only one not the god of islam.

That doesn't change the fact that Muslims believe he is. None of us are suggesting their beliefs are right. Wrong as they may be though, they are praying to your god.

Let me put it this way. The validity of their beliefs has nothing to do with who they are praying to.

If you call PSA and order a new AR and I call them believing they are a Ford dealer and ask them for a radiator, we still called the same store. It doesn't matter that I am wrong about what the store is.


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The point I am trying to make is that the Abrahamic religions have more in common than not. If you study all the texts, from the Torah to the Koran; you will see similar repeating themes.
People are just too quick to find the things that separate people and not look at the similarities.

I don't really care what reasons these murderers used to justify their crimes. It is wrong, and the afterlife will not be kind to them. They will face the wrath of God; whether that god be Jehovah, Odin, or Baal, et al.

(And just to be clear, there is nothing in the Quran about martyrs receiving a harem of virgins in heaven.)


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Our colleges are full of the sleeper cells that are being paid for by us to go to school here. WTF are we stupid?


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We don't know the half of it. If we did the government would be replaced with a true constitutional government. We need the Continental congress more than ever now.


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If someone declares war on you and you don't except it ,does that mean you not at war or just stupid ? Islam has declared war on the Judieo Christian people of the world and we just stuck our heads in the sand This is going to get ugly and we have a treasonous administration in office.

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