Terrorist attack French magazine

Sgt. Rock

Full Access Member
PARIS — Twelve people were killed Wednesday when masked gunmen armed with AK-47s attacked the offices of a French satirical news magazine which has published cartoons of the Muslim Prophet Muhammad.

France raised its terror threat level following the attack at the central Paris building housing weekly Charlie Hebdo and stepped up security for media organizations, large stores and places of worship.

Two police officers were among the dead and at least three suspects remained at large hours after the attack, which occurred at 11:30 a.m. local time (5:30 a.m. ET). Four other people were critically injured.

"We will find the people who did this," French President Francois Hollande said. "France is today shocked by this terrorist attack."

Shocked yes..but not surprised by the way Muslims and their ways of live have taken over the politics of European countries and how spineless government leaders are afraid to offend or say anything negative about Muslims within their borders..gee that sounds like our very own Obama.

Sgt. Rock

Full Access Member
I am really surprised they are calling it a "terrorist attack"..I was figuring they would call it more like an isolated attack by some misguided young men..latest is they have identified the shooters.


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What part of we are at war with muslins does the world not understand?

Frankly, statements like this are ignorant and lazy.

That's as short-sighted as blaming all gun-owners for gun violence; or all Christians for The Inquisition. It's the simplest thing to see the world in black and white, or us versus them. But that does more harm than good. A little critical thinking goes a long way.

Judge a man by his character, not by his mythology.


Full Access Member
That is what I did!!!!!!!! Islam is the devil and we are at war with them . Wake up and smell the roses!!!! Mythology will kill you. The war has been waged against anybody that does not believe like them . Only the real slow or the pacifist will resit it. Hold on to your head.
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Full Access Member
Oh, I'm awake.

You do realize that these "Islamic devils" are praying to the same god that you do.

I hope they catch the bastards that performed this attack and wish they would hang them high. But I refuse to blame an entire theology for the crimes of a few radicals.


Full Access Member
Actually, the theology is very much the problem. The Quran absolutely does preach violence. There are many passages commanding it's followers to wage war and kill non-believers. That is a fact, plain and simple.

Now, before you say there are similar verses in the bible, do your homework on the sermon on the mount and realize that the laws of the old testament no longer apply.


Full Access Member
I am not debating that there are verses in the Quran that preach violence. And I am not proclaiming or defending the religion of Islam. But there are 1.6 billion Muslims in the world that are living peacefully right alongside other religions.
And just as it is wrong to condemn all Christians for the inquisition, or to blame all gun owners for gun violence; it is also wrong to declare war against a religion when the vast majority of it's followers are peaceful.


Super Moderator
My problem is that they aren't wearing a uniform. They don't wear a "M" for moderate or "R" for radical. So I'm suspect of all of them. How many stories have we heard of them living amongst us and all of a sudden going berserk? But this too goes for just about anybody who, all of a sudden snaps and goes on a rampage. It's not just a Muslim exclusive. Although Muslims go berserk in the name of their religion whereas others just go berserk.

Situational awareness people. Fortunately we still have the ability to defend ourselves. Stay vigilant my friends.


Full Access Member
I am not debating that there are verses in the Quran that preach violence. And I am not proclaiming or defending the religion of Islam. But there are 1.6 billion Muslims in the world that are living peacefully right alongside other religions.
And just as it is wrong to condemn all Christians for the inquisition, or to blame all gun owners for gun violence; it is also wrong to declare war against a religion when the vast majority of it's followers are peaceful.
Most Christians cuss or lie or have sex outside of marriage. Likewise, many Muslims do not wage jihad. Some don't believe in their hearts that violence is right. Some aren't willing to step up and deal with the consequences. The religion, without question, is the problem. There is no shared ideology among gun owners promoting violence as their is with Islam. Even the inquisition, the Crusades, and Salem are not an apples to apples comparison since they are not supported by scripture.


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Don't get me wrong. Not everyone claiming to be a Muslim is a problem but it is time to get past the PC bullshit and quit making excuses for a religion that preaches violence.


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NO IT IS NOT THE SAME GOD!!!!!!!!! Only those who believe the Father, Son and Holy Spirit pray to the real GOD.Read the Bible!


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I spent 8 years in Catholic school, I am familiar with the Bible. There are a lot of good lessons and stories to guide morals. But beyond that it is just a book, a collection of stories passed down through the millennia. In fact, many of the tales in the Bible are just retellings of ancient mythological stories.

And YES kwo, the Jews, Christians, and Muslim are all sending their prayers to the same dude up in the clouds; they just call him different names. Allah, literally translated means "The God."


Full Access Member
And YES kwo, the Jews, Christians, and Muslim are all sending their prayers to the same dude up in the clouds; they just call him different names. Allah, literally translated means "The God."
While their beliefs are different, this is true. You can include Mormons on that list as well.


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Super Moderator
I was telling my wife over lunch that I wished I had a scoped rifle from that vantage point so I could pick those suckers off.

Sgt. Rock

Full Access Member
Now they are saying the policeman shot on the sidewalk was a muslim..I see a lot of backlash coming out of this..raiding mosques, more arrest and roundups and limited immigration.

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