Super Moderator
I have a 23 c best of both worlds. Range barrel and CCW barrel. Even carry a g27 with a g23 barrel in it.
I didn't for the G23C. Considered it, but wasn't so sure I really wanted compensated, and figured I could go with a compensated barrel later if I wanted. And the added expense didn't turn me on either. And finally the deciding factor was, they didn't have it in stock and I'd have had to wait about 10 days to get it, so I went for the G23. Unless I buy another one to take advantage of the last Hi Cap and get a Pre Ban, my next one will be a G27. That will happen for sure, just that I'm thinking I want one more Hi Cap to be pre pan, and the G27 being under 10 anyway, I can buy that one after the ban goes in effect. (If it really happens).