Television thinks we're stupid


Full Access Member

Now, this is an idea of a new topic that can either fail big time, or get quite interesting/funny.
But nothing in between those two extremes.

It is about (live action) television (and movies) showing dangerously stupid gun-handling, or very, very obvious mistakes.

Most recently, a german tv-show that acts as a dating show for farmers (yes, that kind of show exists in germany) tried to sell a guy in his early thirties as an experienced hunter.
Within a five minute sequence they showed him looking down the barrel of an (apparently real) rifle (from the muzzle), only to show him later, in the woods, pulling the trigger, while "6mm bb" could be read on the reciever.

So, did you notice any real failures in tv or movies in recent times?
Or is this topic a bad idea?



Super Moderator
You hear about drunk people mishandling guns all the time on the news. Often with disastrous results. Like someone dropping the magazine out of the gun and sticking it to their head and pulling the trigger. They weren't familiar enough with their weapon to know that there was one in the chamber and it would still fire without the magazine (some but not all guns have magazine safeties). Most of the time they don't get a second chance.


Full Access Member
I know that kind of people.
It's called applying for a Darwin Award.
I was aiming for instances from (reality-) tv, general tv and/or movies, not the news.



Full Access Member
There was an episode of "Only in America" with Larry the Cable Guy. He was nutria hunting with some guys in Louisianna. He (Larry) displayed some of the worst gun handling safety I have ever seen. He was constantly having his finger on the trigger, not controlling his muzzle. At a few instances, he even fired very close to the other hunters and camera men.

I usually find that show funny, but that one was down right scary.

Of course, then there is the ubiquitous, click, click, click of an empty semi-automatic firearm or machine gun that seems to be in every movie gunfight.:plugged:


Full Access Member
Where to start. That is a LONG list.

It always amazes me how the bad guys with machine guns can miss so badly at close range but the hero can run, dive, roll, and shoot over his shoulder and hit someone 50 yards away with a pistol.

Then, there is person who flies backwards after shot with a shotgun.

...or drops dead instantly after being shot with a pistol.

The 17 shot semiautomatic single action revolver is always a classic.

The silenced REVOLVER that is whisper quiet.

The list of things Hollywierd screws up is nearly endless.


Full Access Member
Oh don't forget the 30 round magazine that lasts long enough on full auto to fire 400 rounds or so.


Super Moderator
Have you ever heard the brass hitting the floor after each shot when the character is shooting a revolver?


Full Access Member
Just watch The Walking Dead for amazing feats of marksmanship and super capacity, recoilless guns.


Full Access Member
In the famous "gearing up" sequence of "Independence Day", when the armies are shown teaming up, there is an eastern european (or western asian) soldier shown holding his pistol during a briefing with the finger on the trigger, aiming at his superior.
I think in real life he'd have lost his job.



Full Access Member
German news just minutes ago.
"French soldiers are walking around with their rifles at the ready."
Cue them showing a french soldier near the Eiffel Tower, with his Famas (I think) slung behind his back.
I might be wrong, but I thought a rifle is at the ready when you have the butt against your shoulder, and can aim at a target.



Super Moderator
News agencies don't just report the news anymore. They've got to sensationalize it. Here in the US they'll even lie and hope you will believe it. And since most people won't question them they'll take a news report as gospel. The mainstream media has been falsely reporting for BHO (Obama) since before he got in the White House. In their eyes he can do no wrong. They sweep scandal after scandal under the rug hoping no one will notice but give him credit for something he had absolutely nothing to do with. The three main networks might as well be government run with the way they've been operating.


Full Access Member
German TV was at it again, in a quite homocidal way.
A reporter visited the Bundeswehr (german Army), and got handed one of the (very few) H&K G36 to show how up to date the Bundeswehr is.
The poor lady (who obviously had never been told about gun handling) proceeded to hold the (magazine-less) rifle by the grip (finger on&off the trigger) and stock, wave it around, aiming at the filmcrew and half a dozen soldiers in the process, who more or less just kept pushing the muzzle out of their faces, before the lady LOOKED DOWN THE BARREL.
Only then the sound-guy took it off her, made sure it's not chambered, and handed it, muzzle down (finally!!!) to one of the soldiers.
I'm pretty sure that the lady got into quite some trouble afterwards.


Sgt. Rock

Full Access Member
Surprised she didn't blow someone's head off with it..most women hate guns or like that reporter treat it like some toy. I am sure there is a lesson to be learned and fortunately no one got shot.


Full Access Member
Well, luckily it was unloaded (they were in a friggin studio, after all), so she couldn't shoot anyone.
But she did not know, that it was unloaded.

Besides, that same reporter had another appearance about a week ago, in which she confidently declared a H&K MP5 as a machine gun.
Close, but still a miss.


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