Starbucks has caved under pressure


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In 1933, Joseph Stalin added Article 121 to the entire Soviet Union criminal code, which made male homosexuality a crime punishable by up to five years in prison with hard labor. The precise reason for Article 121 is in some dispute among historians. The few official government statements made about the law tended to confuse homosexuality with pedophilia and was tied up with a belief that homosexuality was only practiced among fascists or the aristocracy.

The law remained intact until after the dissolution of the Soviet Union; it was repealed in 1993.

No Starbucks for me...will take a Bud though.

So communists are against Homosexuality in the USSR but in America they are for it?


Full Access Member
Wow, sounds like some of us need a little less coffee.

It never ceases to amaze me that there are some that preach "freedom and liberty" until that freedom is given to those that they do not agree with.
So we really should legislate someone's sexual preference?? Is that the job of the government??
You cannot have liberty for some and call it a free country

Of course; I have a brother and a few friends that are gay; so maybe I've just been corrupted already by the vast left-wing conspiracy to doom our country.

Exactly where in our history has oppression been the right path?
Maybe we should leave some seats at the back of the bus, or blacklist some suspected communists, or maybe intern some Japanese-Americans,...and yeah, those Mormons are up to no good, and I think my neighbor might be a witch.

As for Starbucks, I'm not much of a coffee drinker anyway


Full Access Member
Commies are also pro muslin in the US,anything to destroy the moral fiber of this country.That was Stalins plan all along,taking the US without firing a shot. It is working well when we don't stand up to it.


Full Access Member
So we can't have anyone following Islam either??
Newsflash!! Christians, Jews and Muslims are all praying to the SAME GOD.

So let me make sure I have this correct.
Freedom and Liberty for All white, heterosexual, Christian, males Should we make someone be a land-owner before they get the privilege of citizenship too


Full Access Member
News flash no they are not!!!!! Muslims pray to the devil. They are children of perdition.Do the research. As far as land ownership ,lots of off shore owners of land. It would be good if they had a job and some form of support before making the residents. Do your research before you put the God of this nation in a box.


Full Access Member
"Give me your tired, your poor,
Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.
Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me,
I lift my lamp beside the golden door!"


Full Access Member
Were full get out!!!!!!!. When it was for self improvement that was the case. Now they get well fare and all handed to them. No job no stay. Oh by the way we are not free anymore. Freer than most but not free.


Full Access Member
I didn't realize we were debating the welfare problem. That's a whole different story.


Full Access Member
News flash no they are not!!!!! Muslims pray to the devil. They are children of perdition.Do the research. As far as land ownership ,lots of off shore owners of land. It would be good if they had a job and some form of support before making the residents. Do your research before you put the God of this nation in a box.

Adam in Islam - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

You might want to do some research.

Jews, Muslims, Christians, and Mormons all worship the same god.


Full Access Member
You think they may have copied the old testament. Islam was not even invented until Ismael was born. The Bible lays out the time line well.


I really don't give a shit about starbucks, I drink coffee at work, but not at home and I'm surely not ever going to buy a 5.00+ cup of crappy over sugared coffee.... I can buy an entire can that will last a month for two starbucks coffee's

There playing a stupid game, I wish them starbucks well simply because of the number of employees they keep off the Obama welfare roles

Concealed 27

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I carry everywhere I can legally PERIOD!! I don't do coffee except at home but the Starbucks down the street from me is a gold mine cause all the rich ass people think its cool to sit their on there tablets and try and pick up the coffee hoes and look


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Full Access Member
You think they may have copied the old testament. Islam was not even invented until Ismael was born. The Bible lays out the time line well.

Yeah, Christians also copied the old testament from the Jews. And there is a helluvalot of correlation between stories in the bible and stories in mythologies a millennia older than "The Good Book."
How far back do you want to go??

And just to keep a foot in the original thread....I don't always buy overpriced coffee, but when I do it's Caribou Coffee:emotions34:

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