Screwed as far as shooting

Concealed 27

Full Access Member
Yesterday I broke my wrist, have a soft cast on it till 2morrow. I'm just depressed that I can't do any gunsmithing/shooting for 4-6 weeks. Sucks!!!!!!!!!

Concealed 27


Active member
You know hurting yourself is not a good stress reliever..... you know.... Typing with a 3D Headset is very interesting.... hehe this is fun.


Full Access Member
Sounds like a good enough excuse to try some weak hand training.

Can you still work a beer bottle opener?:naughty:

Concealed 27

Full Access Member
I'm ambedextrous so i have a break there... shoot rifles left handed and pistols right handed.
Left wrist broke, going this a afternoon to get set. I can shoot pistols but loading mags is the problems..
I will have some free time to read :) ............

Concealed 27


Full Access Member
The bad part about hurting yourself when you're drunk is it hurts way worse the next day when you're hungover lol

Concealed 27

Full Access Member
Like I said I was not drunk, I have diabetic neuropathy which is nerve damage in my feet and legs... part of why Im disabled..... I know ur just messing with me brother
:flipthebird: LOL


Full Access Member
Like I said I was not drunk, I have diabetic neuropathy which is nerve damage in my feet and legs... part of why Im disabled..... I know ur just messing with me brother
:flipthebird: LOL

My first comment I was just picking on you because of your other incident. The second one was just a general statement about doing crazy stuff when you drink. I know I've woke up plenty of times and wondered what kicked my ass. Usually makes for funny stories. Sorry to hear about your physical issues

Concealed 27

Full Access Member
Yeah drinking will mess u up... I got lucky with the incident your talking about for sure..... I'm struggling now but I will make it, I have faith in my savior Jesus Christ, Amen Brother


Super Moderator
I've never been drunk. But then it's kind of difficult to get drunk on sweet tea.

Hope you feel better Jeff.


Full Access Member
Picture yourself in a fire fight with one hand shot. Try to reload mag ,function gun with malfunction or empty.We did a 3 hour stent in class doing just that. One guy shot the course with one hand tied behind his back, he did us a wheel gun His strong hand was tied. Armpits,knees, teeth,feet, belt buckle any large stationary object can be used to get back into the fight. Do or die is the end product. Get well soon.

Concealed 27

Full Access Member
I'm having problems getting carry rig together .. going to go to Velcro belt until I can use my hand without being in pain. I am carrying OWB with a blade tech paddle/belt holster now also an OWB high noon holster no problem drawing from either. Just hurts when I'm using my LH for anything, I am not able to take pain meds so its been a rough week...
Concealed 27

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