Safe in the garage + & -


New member
Today my 30" w x 27" d x 60" h safe resides in my master bedroom. I live in town on a quite street / cul de sac where garage faces street. Couple of windows in garage but all from back yard where dogs are. Safe is full with a few more on the list & need room for more ammo but no room for second safe in master bedroom or closet. House has pretty open floor plan with lots of window/sliders & don't want to invite robbers in?

Nightstand gun would still be inplace but hallway shotgun wouldn't.

Can i bolt to floor and to eachother too prevent would be thieves? I've always thought not becoming a target & keeping things out of site was first defense. Alot of home in near by country side are having safe stolen. 800 to 1000 lbers bolted to floor chained to truck and gone in 15 minute while no ones home.


Full Access Member
Today my 30" w x 27" d x 60" h safe resides in my master bedroom. I live in town on a quite street / cul de sac where garage faces street. Couple of windows in garage but all from back yard where dogs are. Safe is full with a few more on the list & need room for more ammo but no room for second safe in master bedroom or closet. House has pretty open floor plan with lots of window/sliders & don't want to invite robbers in?

Nightstand gun would still be inplace but hallway shotgun wouldn't.

Can i bolt to floor and to eachother too prevent would be thieves? I've always thought not becoming a target & keeping things out of site was first defense. Alot of home in near by country side are having safe stolen. 800 to 1000 lbers bolted to floor chained to truck and gone in 15 minute while no ones home.

They need to be bolted down better and a claymore installed with a timer to explode when they get off the properties perimeter :smiley-face-popcorn:High 5:


If you put it in the garage, do put it in so its facing the garage door, put it on the side and pile crap around it


New member
Bolt them down for sure, I would also recommend building them into a room with a door framed in smaller than the safes. A separate monitered zone alarm would be a good idea as well. All of my safes with the exception of one will not fit through the man cave door without removing the door and part of the frame. Takes me about 1/2 an hour. Triple locks and steel doors as well. All your buying is time, but the more the better.


Full Access Member
My safe weighs 2500lbs

With, or without the bodies in it? :D

If they are pulling 800 and 1000 lb safes that are bolted to the floor out of the house, I don't think a small door frame would do anything except make more repairs for you to do when they take it.

Let's face it, locks really only keep out honest people. If they want it bad enough, they will figure a way to take it.

A 2500 lb safe I would think is pretty safe... but you never know.

I would install an alarm and camera system.

Jeff's idea of camouflaging the safe is a good idea too. If it doesn't look like something they want, they will walk right past it.

I hate thieves...


Active member
oh its a pretty good idea it is easy to walk past it and forget about it. but it is a heavy sucker..... dedicated or not a burgalur would have to be he-man to move it by himself


New member
With, or without the bodies in it? :D

If they are pulling 800 and 1000 lb safes that are bolted to the floor out of the house, I don't think a small door frame would do anything except make more repairs for you to do when they take it.

Let's face it, locks really only keep out honest people. If they want it bad enough, they will figure a way to take it.

A 2500 lb safe I would think is pretty safe... but you never know.

I would install an alarm and camera system.

Jeff's idea of camouflaging the safe is a good idea too. If it doesn't look like something they want, they will walk right past it.

I hate thieves...

I'm not talking about building a closet Out of drywall with a wooden door. Studded 2x6 walls with 3/4" plywood on both sides and a steel security door and frame with deadbolts. Also helps keep it out of sight, if you position it correctly a thief my mistake it for a locked exterior door and move on to another area. I would rather lose my TV and stereo over my guns any day.


Full Access Member
I'm not talking about building a closet Out of drywall with a wooden door. Studded 2x6 walls with 3/4" plywood on both sides and a steel security door and frame with deadbolts. Also helps keep it out of sight, if you position it correctly a thief my mistake it for a locked exterior door and move on to another area. I would rather lose my TV and stereo over my guns any day.

That'll do it!


With, or without the bodies in it? :D

If they are pulling 800 and 1000 lb safes that are bolted to the floor out of the house, I don't think a small door frame would do anything except make more repairs for you to do when they take it.

Let's face it, locks really only keep out honest people. If they want it bad enough, they will figure a way to take it.

A 2500 lb safe I would think is pretty safe... but you never know.

I would install an alarm and camera system.

Jeff's idea of camouflaging the safe is a good idea too. If it doesn't look like something they want, they will walk right past it.

I hate thieves...

The safe is pre 1940, they guy that delivered it, bent the axle on his trailer


New member
My brother is a welder and said once in place he'd put 8 or 10 3" beads around two safes making them siamese twins. 30" w + 40'w & 650lbs + 800lbs + guns & ammo. That might make it tougher. I'm going to do a video serv for house & obscure it view. I'm going to have to make practice of alway closing garage door when accesing them.


Super Moderator
I thought gun ownership 101 says never put a gun in your nightstand, under your pillow or under your mattress. That's the first 3 places a crook looks for a gun. Also, if someone quietly gets into your home while you sleep and crawls into your room, they know to check those 3 places first.
I don't always, but do sleep pretty hard sometimes. Thankfully I do have a Husky and a Boxer that get to come in at night so they'd wake me if a stranger came in the house. I still don't leave any gun in one of those 3 places. I know where it's at, and it is quite handy to where so long as I'm out of bed, I can have it and ready to pull the trigger in less than 2 seconds and I don't have to open any doors or drawers to get it so I can get it without making any noise.

Anyone else ever heard that same about those 3 places?


New member
The gun is only in the night stand area when i'm in bed, other wise i carry or if at home in place i can get to ASAP but out of site and reach of any kids. It sounds like we have same plan as far as placement.


Full Access Member
Do you keep any cutting tools in the garage? I would like to put a safe in my garage but it makes little sense have a oxy/ace torch set and a plasma cutter right next to it. :disgust:


Super Moderator
I think the trick is, to not let anyone know there is a safe in there. Here I go being stupid, but none of you know me so WTH. When I had to raise my water heater 18in off the floor minimum, I still have my ice chest size fireproof safe that I used for my handguns. Outgrew that fast and no use for it, I built that safe into the shelf under the water cabinet. There's no getting it out with destroying the water heater and heater closet. You can open the door to the water heater and still not know there is a safe under it. Across the front of the safe is drywall, textured and painted to match with the base molding and all. It's just a dummy wall that covers the safe. Other than my household, the rest of the family doesn't even know it exists. I hear to many stories of nephews and other family members who get strung out on meth stealing from family so I don't even tell anyone about it. I'll get pics next time I think about it.
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