Ruger 10/22 Thread


Full Access Member
What do y'all consider must do mods that aren't really preference based (like stock or sights). I imagine the ABR, but what else. Oh and if one was to get a class 3 and do all the legal stuff, how hard is it to make a 10/22 full auto. Be the cheapest full auto and I bet it'd still be fun.


Full Access Member
What does the auto bolt release do?

It allows you to release the bolt from the locked back position just by pulling back on the bolt and letting it go instead of having to fight with the bolt and release button you just pull it back and it flys forward with no hastle.


Full Access Member
Nice Buddy !!! What kind of scope is that? I've not have much luck finding a silver scope for my 10/22-22. Since it's stainliess, and I've got the silver see thru rings already, I can't bring myself to put the black scope on it.
I bought my son a 10/22-22 too, and although it's stainless too, the trigger goup is now black, so I've got black see thru rings for his and puttnig the black scope on his. I guess Ruger cheaped out and changed to the black trigger on that Stainless model.

It's an old Simmons .22 Mag Fully Coated Optics 4x32


Full Access Member
I would recommend an auto bolt release, bolt buffer, ext mag release (Not the wrap around trigger guard model since its too easy to bump with your pinky), and either polish compound or tooth paste a drop where the hammer meets the sear and run a few hundred rounds through it and you'll drop a few lbs off that heavy pull.


Full Access Member
I would recommend an auto bolt release, bolt buffer, ext mag release (Not the wrap around trigger guard model since its too easy to bump with your pinky), and either polish compound or tooth paste a drop where the hammer meets the sear and run a few hundred rounds through it and you'll drop a few lbs off that heavy pull.

Woah wait, tooth paste where the hammer and sear meet? Just put a drop there and after a brick of rounds it'll drop the trigger pull?


Full Access Member
Woah wait, tooth paste where the hammer and sear meet? Just put a drop there and after a brick of rounds it'll drop the trigger pull?

Yeah it's just increasing the wear and tear on the hammer and sear making it mate together faster. The Surefire way is to use polishing compound and a buffer wheel and just polish them until they shine but make sure you use a light duty compound so you just wear off the finish to a shine and don't go too far.

Toothpaste is an old school trick but it works. Go by a tractor supply and grab an IV kit for a horse and just use the needle to put a single drop of either toothpaste or polishing compound and go shooting and repeat until you are happy. Safe way to do it but takes a long time.


Full Access Member
What do y'all consider must do mods that aren't really preference based (like stock or sights). I imagine the ABR, but what else. Oh and if one was to get a class 3 and do all the legal stuff, how hard is it to make a 10/22 full auto. Be the cheapest full auto and I bet it'd still be fun.

Trigger work is the only thing I consider "essential." I never bothered with the bolt release, because I never lock the bolt to the rear.

getting a manufacturers license isn't as easy as getting an FFL (dealer's license). you have to demonstrate that you're going to manufacture for commercial (DOD and/or police type) purposes. You can't manufacture machine guns for personal use. We could take care of that if we could get all gun laws that were passed after Dec 15 1791 repealed. Let's get to work.


New member
What do y'all consider must do mods that aren't really preference based (like stock or sights). I imagine the ABR, but what else. Oh and if one was to get a class 3 and do all the legal stuff, how hard is it to make a 10/22 full auto. Be the cheapest full auto and I bet it'd still be fun.

The only way you could even own a full auto is if it was pre 1984 or you have a type 7 FFL. And even then if you have the FFL issue you have to prove you are only going to use it to demonstrate it to law enforcement or military, meaning you need a letter from them saying they are interested in one. Good luck finding a PD that wants a full auto .22lr


Full Access Member
Wow didn't know fully automatic was that intensive. I thought it might be along the lines of a suppressor. Nvm thanks for all the responses.

Oh and what kinda trigger work?


Super Moderator
Oh yeah it's that intense. You want to have ATF, FBI, PD and every branch of Federal and State law enforcement at your door, just fire a fully auto weapon of any kind and have a neighbor report it. Your house will be destroyed while they search looking for it and others.

Some might be able to get by converting one and having one, but where you can fire it that someone isn't going to hear it?


Full Access Member
For trigger work, it depends on how good your trigger is to start with and where you want it to end up. for some, light stoning and new springs will be enough. & Shotguns/RUGER/10-22/cID2/mID52/dID225
For others, they'll replace the entire trigger assembly with a metal one (if they have a newer rifle with plastic trigger group).

Or you can change out single parts: hammer, sear, trigger, etc.,13-ruger-10-22

Or any combination.
You might want a lighter pull, shorter pre-travel, shorter overtravel, crisper break. all these can be accomplished with aftermarket parts. I only gave one example of each, but the depth of these products is amazing. There are dozens of companies that make all of these different products.

Go to and prepare to have your mind blown.


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A Ruger 10/22 copy;



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Super Moderator
Thanks Buddy. That would be why they're on back order. I friggin fell asleep and missed the one on ebay I was watching. It closed for $5.50 and $5 shipping.

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